The API is thread safe, but you can run into interesting issues if you don't 
thread things right. You don't want one thread stepping and another thread 
resuming. It will work, but you probably will have a tough time figuring out 
why certain functions return certain values. Also, you don't want one thread 
resuming a process while another things the process is stopped and tries to get 
and display local variables.

So yes the API is thread safe, but be careful with how you use things.


> On Aug 5, 2019, at 8:59 AM, Christian Biesinger via lldb-dev 
> <> wrote:
> Hi there!
> I was wondering what the threading model is for the Python API (when
> running inside of LLDB, in implementing a command)?
> For example: If I create a Python thread in my command, how do I
> access the LLDB API? Is there an equivalent of gdb's post_event
> function to run it on the main thread? Or is the API threadsafe?
> I tried to look for documentation on this but was unsuccessful.
> Thanks!
> Christian
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