@@ -2225,7 +2225,8 @@ void ObjectFileMachO::ParseSymtab(Symtab &symtab) {
   const char *file_name = file.GetFilename().AsCString("<Unknown>");
   LLDB_SCOPED_TIMERF("ObjectFileMachO::ParseSymtab () module = %s", file_name);
   LLDB_LOG(log, "Parsing symbol table for {0}", file_name);
-  Progress progress(llvm::formatv("Parsing symbol table for {0}", file_name));
+  Progress progress(llvm::formatv("Parsing symbol table for {0}", file_name),
+                    Progress::ProgressReportType::eAggregateProgressReport);
clayborg wrote:

We could add a progress category as a string instead of a report type? Then 
this would be easy to group all of symbol table parsing into one section. 
std::string category("Symbol table parsing");
Progress progress(llvm::formatv("Parsing symbol table for {0}", file_name), 
I used a local variable for the category for clarity

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