jingham added a comment.

In D107869#2940428 <https://reviews.llvm.org/D107869#2940428>, @clayborg wrote:

> In D107869#2940016 <https://reviews.llvm.org/D107869#2940016>, @OmarEmaraDev 
> wrote:
>> @jingham I wasn't arguing that we should remove those environment variables, 
>> on the contrary. Greg was suggesting that we populate the environment field 
>> with the target environment instead of implicitly adding them to the 
>> environment of the launch info. The problem with that is that there is a 
>> large number of environments that gets added (15 in my case) as shown in the 
>> following screenshot. What I was saying in my comment above is that I don't 
>> think we should show those to the user, we should transparently add them 
>> instead and let the user add additional variables as needed. We can then 
>> look into adding other settings to exclude them if necessary.
> I was actually suggesting only priming the env var list with what was 
> contained in the "target.env-vars" setting. This doesn't include the extra 
> env vars that are inherited. Just the ones that the user explicitly set. That 
> defaults to nothing usually. If we go this way, then we should add a new 
> boolean for inheriting the env vars that defaults to the current value of 
> "target.inherit-env"

I think it would be confusing to have a window called "Environment Variables" 
that has a checkbox that says "Inherit Environment" and when I check or uncheck 
that checkbox the "Environment Variables" pane contents doesn't change.  We had 
this same confusion internally and in command-line lldb for quite a while, but 
that was causing confusion and we sorted that all out a year or so ago.  We 
shouldn't replicate this confusion in the UI.

There's some consistency in having a pane in the Launch Parameters that allows 
you to add "User-Specified Environment Variables" as well as a checkbox to 
inherit the environment.  After all, you can't edit the environment variables 
you inherit other than by overriding them or unsetting them with the 
unset-env-vars setting.  So this would be a consistent set of editable 
parameters.  But it needs to be clear what this is actually displaying.

It would still be nice if the UI gave a way to see the resultant target 
environment.  Maybe a "show inherited env-vars" control to go along with the 
"inherit-env" checkbox?  But it's not terrible if I have to go out to the 
console to see that.

  rG LLVM Github Monorepo



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