JDevlieghere added a comment.

In D85539#2215387 <https://reviews.llvm.org/D85539#2215387>, @labath wrote:

> The part which bugs me about this is that the first thing that Makefile.rules 
> will do with the triple we've painstakingly constructed here is it will 
> decompose it into individual components, and then do some more matching on 
> them, including running some xcrun commands, which are already being run 
> here. I do think that doing this in python is a good idea (I believe the main 
> reason a lot of this stuff is done in make is so that running "make" would 
> just work, but we are way past that point now), but if we're going to do that 
> in python, how about we move all of that to python? It seems the only effect 
> of the TRIPLE argument is to add `-target $(TRIPLE) 
> -m$(OS)-version-min=$(VERSION)` to CFLAGS. That should be easy to achieve 
> using the information that `construct_triple` has available.

Sounds reasonable.

> In D85539#2203251 <https://reviews.llvm.org/D85539#2203251>, @JDevlieghere 
> wrote:
>> In D85539#2203247 <https://reviews.llvm.org/D85539#2203247>, @friss wrote:
>>> `lldbremote.py` looks awfully Apple-specific, yet it is going to be called 
>>> from the generic code. Is that not an issue?
>> It's not an issue because it checks for the Apple SDK, but I could hoist 
>> that out of the helper to make it more obvious.
> How about making an abstract/dummy `getTripleSpec` (or whatever) method in 
> the base builder class. Then the darwin builder could override it do to its 
> thing, and all of this code could reside in builder_darwin.py. If any other 
> platform decides it needs to set the triple argument, then it's likely it 
> will do that via some completely different method.

Even though this file is called "base", there's no inheritance going on here, 
it's just methods and `lldbtest.py` will import the appropriate module. I 
considered this too, but didn't feel like rewriting those files as a classes 
for this small change. But if we're going to pass the `TRIPLE`, `OS` and 
`VERSION` separately, we might as well.



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