labath added a comment.

In D70840#1871862 <>, @mstorsjo wrote:

> > Now someone might argue that the looking up the address of the `ldr` opcode 
> > is wrong, because that is not the actual pc value, and that we should 
> > lookup the address of `ldr+1`. In that case we can point them to the next 
> > function (`call_noreturn`), which ends with a call to a noreturn function. 
> > Now if we get a crash in `does_not_return()`, the address we will get from 
> > the backtrace will be one byte after the last opcode of `call_noreturn` 
> > (`bl      does_not_return()`). This means that in the **non-windows** case, 
> > it will not resolve correctly to the `call_noreturn` even if we apply the 
> > usual trick of subtracting 1 from the address to bring it into the range of 
> > the calling function.
> Hmm... I presume this issue is present now already (and doesn't really change 
> due to normalizing the line tables and ranges on windows, to the same as 
> linux). Not familiar with "the usual trick of subtracting 1 from the address 
> to bring it into the range of the calling function", but wouldn't something 
> like `GetOpcodeLoadAddress(pc) - 1` always bring you into the range of the 
> calling function, given a return address?

Lldb uses this when unwinding specifically to deal with the "call as a last 
instruction" problem, and I'm pretty sure it's not the only tool doing that. 
This is even described in the DWARF spec (non-normative text):

> In most cases the return address is in the same context as the calling 
> address, but that
>  need not be the case, especially if the producer knows in some way the call 
> never will
>  return. The context of the ’return address’ might be on a different line, in 
> a different
>  lexical block, or past the end of the calling subroutine. If a consumer were 
> to assume that
>  it was in the same context as the calling address, the virtual unwind might 
> fail.
> For architectures with constant-length instructions where the return address
>  immediately follows the call instruction, a simple solution is to subtract 
> the length of an
>  instruction from the return address to obtain the calling instruction. For 
> architectures
>  with variable-length instructions (for example, x86), this is not possible. 
> However,
>  subtracting 1 from the return address, although not guaranteed to provide 
> the exact
>  calling address, generally will produce an address within the same context 
> as the calling
>  address, and that usually is sufficient.

Using `GetOpcodeLoadAddress(pc) - 1` would work, but this implies that the 
caller should be passing in "load" addresses, which is in conflict with the 
premise I have made at the beginning of the paragraph that one should be 
passing in "code" addresses here. (My attempt at proof by contradiction.)


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