labath added a comment.

Thanks for exploring this.

From a high-level, this approach looks like it could be viable. However, you 
have taken this a lot further than I would have expected. What I was expecting 
to see would be that a bunch of the DWARF internal functions would get an extra 
argument (be it a CompileUnit, DWARFUnit, or whatever), but I did not expect 
that this would also appear on the "generic" interfaces. My idea was that the 
external interface would keep getting just a single user_id_t, but then during 
the process of decoding that integer into a DWARFDie, we would also produce the 
additional CompileUnit object.

Now, that doesn't mean that adding a CompileUnit argument to these functions 
too is a bad idea. Quite the opposite -- _if it actually works_, it would be 
great because it would give us a lot more freedom in encoding the information 
into the user_id_t value. However, I have some doubts about that. For example, 
right now we don't create any CompileUnit objects for types  in DWARF type 
units, and I'm not sure how much we want to change that because of the sheer 
number of type units.  That means we'd still have to have a way to encode a 
precise type location in a user_id_t without a CompileUnit, though maybe we 
would be ablle to assume that a CompileUnit is always available in the DWZ case 

This duality does make me think that we'd be better off in not adding the 
CompileUnit arguments and encoding everything into a user_id_t. However, I am 
not sure if we really have a choice here -- it may be that this information is 
so complex that it will not be possible to reasonably encode it into 64 bits.

PS. It would be easier to evaluate this if this was based on master instead of 
some patch which is taking the source in the direction we don't want to go it.

  rG LLVM Github Monorepo


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