jankratochvil added a comment.

In D73206#1949516 <https://reviews.llvm.org/D73206#1949516>, @labath wrote:

> The main thing I don't like about the current state is the introduction of 
> user_id_t into the index classes. It forces a bunch of conversions for a flow 
> that really should be simple.
> I guess that was to avoid main-cu-ificating the DIERef class?

Yes, that was the purpose of D74637 <https://reviews.llvm.org/D74637>. To have 
two different small (8 bytes) DIE references, one with MainCU (chosen to be 
`user_id_t`) and one without MainCU (chosen to be `DIERef`).

> I think (and I think I've already said this) the right thing to do here would 
> be to change the index classes to be callback-based. Then the memory 
> footprint is out of the equation (no vector<DIERef>, and the indexes can 
> return a "main cu pair" or something of sorts, as that is what their callers 
> will convert this to anyway.

OK, I can make an unrelated trunk-based refactorization for `DWARFIndex` 
descendants to use callbacks.

Internally `ManualDWARFIndex` and `DebugNamesDWARFIndex` need to store also 
MainCU so `user_id_t` looks to me as their best choice for their internal 
storage. It is true `AppleDWARFIndex` does not need MainCU so that would 
prevent its `DIERef`->`user_id_t` conversion, that is the only win there I can 
see. One could also refactor `AppleDWARFIndex` even more to use `user_id_t` 
natively. Would then be there still a win with the callback?

Or is the callback preferred unrelated to any `DIERef` vs. `user_id_t`?

  rG LLVM Github Monorepo



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