jankratochvil created this revision.
jankratochvil added reviewers: labath, clayborg.
jankratochvil added a project: LLDB.
Herald added a subscriber: aprantl.
Herald added a reviewer: shafik.

I think this patch is not good. I wrote it to as a solution to @labath's 
request that `DWARFDIE` should not increase in size from 16 bytes to 24 bytes 
(for a new 'main CU' pointer needed for DWZ).
I have found `DWARFDIE` is mostly used only for parameters and autovariables. I 
found (by `grep -r '<.*DWARF\(Base\|\)DIE' lldb`) only two cases of `DWARFDIE` 
in permanent structures:

- `DWARFASTParserClang::m_decl_ctx_to_die` refactored in this patch
- `ElaboratingDIEIterator::m_worklist` but I think it will never grow to any 
more `DWARFDIE`s than a few so it is worse to refactor it to `DIERef` which is 
slower and due to few entries it does not save any memory space.

I think the testcase improvement could be checked-in - after this patch the 
testcase was crashing trying to dereference original `(DWARFDebugInfoEntry 
As a replacement of `D70647` and as a solution to implement DWZ support (D40474 
<https://reviews.llvm.org/D40474>) proposing multiple possibilities how to 
satisfy DWZ's need for `DWARFDIE::m_main_cu`, could you choose one?

1. `DWARFDIE` 16B->24B does not matter as `DWARFDIE` is not stored anywhere - 
maybe one could use this patch in such case.
2. PointerUnion for DWARFDIE::m_cu so that DWARFDIE remains 16B without DWZ.

  class DWARFBaseDIE {
    llvm::PointerUnion<DWARFUnit *, DWARFUnitPair *> m_cu;
    DWARFDebugInfoEntry *m_die;
  class DWARFUnitPair {`
    DWARFUnit *m_cu;
    DWARFCompileUnit *m_main_cu;

3. maybe: Compress `DWARFDIE::m_die` into 24-bit index of `DWARFDebugInfoEntry` 
in `DWARFUnit::m_die_array`. Chosen index instead of DIE offset as that should 
more easily fit into 24 bits even for largest CUs. The gained free 8 bits could 
be used for `DW_LANG_*` which is what MainCU is needed in DWZ. This assumes 
32-bit LLDB host platform as they are still supported by LLDB. I would have to 
verify `DW_LANG_*` is all LLDB really needs from the MainCU, it is difficult to 
find it out from my current patchset.

Thanks for a feedback.

  rG LLVM Github Monorepo



Index: lldb/unittests/TestingSupport/YAMLModuleTester.h
--- /dev/null
+++ lldb/unittests/TestingSupport/YAMLModuleTester.h
@@ -0,0 +1,146 @@
+//===- YAMLModuleTester.h ---------------------------------------*- C++ -*-===//
+// Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
+// See https://llvm.org/LICENSE.txt for license information.
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
+#include "Plugins/SymbolFile/DWARF/DWARFUnit.h"
+#include "Plugins/SymbolFile/DWARF/SymbolFileDWARF.h"
+#include "TestingSupport/SubsystemRAII.h"
+#include "lldb/Core/Module.h"
+#include "lldb/Core/Section.h"
+#include "lldb/Host/HostInfo.h"
+#include "lldb/Symbol/ClangASTContext.h"
+#include "llvm/ObjectYAML/DWARFEmitter.h"
+namespace lldb_private {
+/// A mock module holding an object file parsed from YAML.
+class YAMLModule : public lldb_private::Module {
+  YAMLModule(ArchSpec &arch) : Module(FileSpec("test"), arch) {}
+  void SetObjectFile(lldb::ObjectFileSP obj_file) { m_objfile_sp = obj_file; }
+  ObjectFile *GetObjectFile() override { return m_objfile_sp.get(); }
+/// A mock object file that can be parsed from YAML.
+class YAMLObjectFile : public lldb_private::ObjectFile {
+  const lldb::ModuleSP m_module_sp;
+  llvm::StringMap<std::unique_ptr<llvm::MemoryBuffer>> &m_section_map;
+  /// Because there is only one DataExtractor in the ObjectFile
+  /// interface, all sections are copied into a contiguous buffer.
+  std::vector<char> m_buffer;
+  YAMLObjectFile(const lldb::ModuleSP &module_sp,
+                 llvm::StringMap<std::unique_ptr<llvm::MemoryBuffer>> &map)
+      : ObjectFile(module_sp, &module_sp->GetFileSpec(), /*file_offset*/ 0,
+                   /*length*/ 0, /*data_sp*/ nullptr, /*data_offset*/ 0),
+        m_module_sp(module_sp), m_section_map(map) {}
+  /// Callback for initializing the module's list of sections.
+  void CreateSections(SectionList &unified_section_list) override {
+    lldb::offset_t total_bytes = 0;
+    for (auto &entry : m_section_map)
+      total_bytes += entry.getValue()->getBufferSize();
+    m_buffer.reserve(total_bytes);
+    m_data =
+        DataExtractor(m_buffer.data(), total_bytes, lldb::eByteOrderLittle, 4);
+    lldb::user_id_t sect_id = 1;
+    for (auto &entry : m_section_map) {
+      llvm::StringRef name = entry.getKey();
+      lldb::SectionType sect_type =
+          llvm::StringSwitch<lldb::SectionType>(name)
+              .Case("debug_info", lldb::eSectionTypeDWARFDebugInfo)
+              .Case("debug_abbrev", lldb::eSectionTypeDWARFDebugAbbrev);
+      auto &membuf = entry.getValue();
+      lldb::addr_t file_vm_addr = 0;
+      lldb::addr_t vm_size = 0;
+      lldb::offset_t file_offset = m_buffer.size();
+      lldb::offset_t file_size = membuf->getBufferSize();
+      m_buffer.resize(file_offset + file_size);
+      memcpy(m_buffer.data() + file_offset, membuf->getBufferStart(),
+             file_size);
+      uint32_t log2align = 0;
+      uint32_t flags = 0;
+      auto section_sp = std::make_shared<lldb_private::Section>(
+          m_module_sp, this, sect_id++, ConstString(name), sect_type,
+          file_vm_addr, vm_size, file_offset, file_size, log2align, flags);
+      unified_section_list.AddSection(section_sp);
+    }
+  }
+  /// \{
+  /// Stub methods that aren't needed here.
+  ConstString GetPluginName() override { return ConstString("YAMLObjectFile"); }
+  uint32_t GetPluginVersion() override { return 0; }
+  void Dump(Stream *s) override {}
+  uint32_t GetAddressByteSize() const override { return 8; }
+  uint32_t GetDependentModules(FileSpecList &file_list) override { return 0; }
+  bool IsExecutable() const override { return 0; }
+  ArchSpec GetArchitecture() override { return {}; }
+  Symtab *GetSymtab() override { return nullptr; }
+  bool IsStripped() override { return false; }
+  UUID GetUUID() override { return {}; }
+  lldb::ByteOrder GetByteOrder() const override {
+    return lldb::eByteOrderLittle;
+  }
+  bool ParseHeader() override { return false; }
+  Type CalculateType() override { return {}; }
+  Strata CalculateStrata() override { return {}; }
+  /// \}
+/// Helper class that can construct a module from YAML and evaluate
+/// DWARF expressions on it.
+class YAMLModuleTester {
+  //  SubsystemRAII<FileSystem> subsystems;
+  SubsystemRAII<FileSystem, HostInfo, ClangASTContext> subsystems;
+  llvm::StringMap<std::unique_ptr<llvm::MemoryBuffer>> m_sections_map;
+  lldb::ModuleSP m_module_sp;
+  lldb::ObjectFileSP m_objfile_sp;
+  DWARFUnitSP m_dwarf_unit;
+  std::unique_ptr<SymbolFileDWARF> m_symfile_dwarf;
+  /// Parse the debug info sections from the YAML description.
+  YAMLModuleTester(llvm::StringRef yaml_data, llvm::StringRef triple) {
+    auto sections_map = llvm::DWARFYAML::EmitDebugSections(yaml_data, true);
+    if (!sections_map)
+      return;
+    m_sections_map = std::move(*sections_map);
+    ArchSpec arch(triple);
+    m_module_sp = std::make_shared<YAMLModule>(arch);
+    m_objfile_sp =
+        std::make_shared<YAMLObjectFile>(m_module_sp, m_sections_map);
+    static_cast<YAMLModule *>(m_module_sp.get())->SetObjectFile(m_objfile_sp);
+    lldb::user_id_t uid = 0;
+    llvm::StringRef raw_debug_info = m_sections_map["debug_info"]->getBuffer();
+    lldb_private::DataExtractor debug_info(
+        raw_debug_info.data(), raw_debug_info.size(),
+        m_objfile_sp->GetByteOrder(), m_objfile_sp->GetAddressByteSize());
+    lldb::offset_t offset_ptr = 0;
+    m_symfile_dwarf = std::make_unique<SymbolFileDWARF>(m_objfile_sp, nullptr);
+    llvm::Expected<DWARFUnitSP> dwarf_unit = DWARFUnit::extract(
+        *m_symfile_dwarf, uid,
+        *static_cast<lldb_private::DWARFDataExtractor *>(&debug_info),
+        DIERef::DebugInfo, &offset_ptr);
+    if (dwarf_unit)
+      m_dwarf_unit = dwarf_unit.get();
+  }
+  DWARFUnitSP GetDwarfUnit() { return m_dwarf_unit; }
+  // Evaluate a raw DWARF expression.
+  llvm::Expected<Scalar> Eval(llvm::ArrayRef<uint8_t> expr);
+} // namespace lldb_private
Index: lldb/unittests/SymbolFile/DWARF/DWARFASTParserClangTests.cpp
--- lldb/unittests/SymbolFile/DWARF/DWARFASTParserClangTests.cpp
+++ lldb/unittests/SymbolFile/DWARF/DWARFASTParserClangTests.cpp
@@ -8,19 +8,16 @@
 #include "Plugins/SymbolFile/DWARF/DWARFASTParserClang.h"
 #include "Plugins/SymbolFile/DWARF/DWARFDIE.h"
-#include "TestingSupport/SubsystemRAII.h"
-#include "lldb/Host/HostInfo.h"
+#include "TestingSupport/YAMLModuleTester.h"
 #include "gmock/gmock.h"
 #include "gtest/gtest.h"
 using namespace lldb;
 using namespace lldb_private;
-class DWARFASTParserClangTests : public testing::Test {
-  SubsystemRAII<FileSystem, HostInfo, ClangASTContext> subsystems;
 namespace {
+class DWARFASTParserClangTests : public testing::Test {};
 class DWARFASTParserClangStub : public DWARFASTParserClang {
   using DWARFASTParserClang::DWARFASTParserClang;
@@ -39,14 +36,73 @@
 // defining here, causing this test to fail, feel free to delete it.
        EnsureAllDIEsInDeclContextHaveBeenParsedParsesOnlyMatchingEntries) {
+  /// Auxiliary debug info.
+  const char *yamldata =
+      "debug_abbrev:\n"
+      "  - Code:            0x00000001\n"
+      "    Tag:             DW_TAG_compile_unit\n"
+      "    Children:        DW_CHILDREN_yes\n"
+      "    Attributes:\n"
+      "      - Attribute:       DW_AT_language\n"
+      "        Form:            DW_FORM_data2\n"
+      "  - Code:            0x00000002\n"
+      "    Tag:             DW_TAG_base_type\n"
+      "    Children:        DW_CHILDREN_no\n"
+      "    Attributes:\n"
+      "      - Attribute:       DW_AT_encoding\n"
+      "        Form:            DW_FORM_data1\n"
+      "      - Attribute:       DW_AT_byte_size\n"
+      "        Form:            DW_FORM_data1\n"
+      "debug_info:\n"
+      "  - Length:\n"
+      "      TotalLength:     0\n"
+      "    Version:         4\n"
+      "    AbbrOffset:      0\n"
+      "    AddrSize:        8\n"
+      "    Entries:\n"
+      "      - AbbrCode:        0x00000001\n"
+      "        Values:\n"
+      "          - Value:           0x000000000000000C\n"
+      // 0x0000000e:
+      "      - AbbrCode:        0x00000002\n"
+      "        Values:\n"
+      "          - Value:           0x0000000000000007\n" // DW_ATE_unsigned
+      "          - Value:           0x0000000000000004\n"
+      // 0x00000011:
+      "      - AbbrCode:        0x00000002\n"
+      "        Values:\n"
+      "          - Value:           0x0000000000000007\n" // DW_ATE_unsigned
+      "          - Value:           0x0000000000000008\n"
+      // 0x00000014:
+      "      - AbbrCode:        0x00000002\n"
+      "        Values:\n"
+      "          - Value:           0x0000000000000005\n" // DW_ATE_signed
+      "          - Value:           0x0000000000000008\n"
+      // 0x00000017:
+      "      - AbbrCode:        0x00000002\n"
+      "        Values:\n"
+      "          - Value:           0x0000000000000008\n" // DW_ATE_unsigned_char
+      "          - Value:           0x0000000000000001\n"
+      ""
+      "      - AbbrCode:        0x00000000\n"
+      "        Values:          []\n";
+  YAMLModuleTester t(yamldata, "i386-unknown-linux");
+  ASSERT_TRUE((bool)t.GetDwarfUnit());
   ClangASTContext ast_ctx("dummy ASTContext", HostInfoBase::GetTargetTriple());
   DWARFASTParserClangStub ast_parser(ast_ctx);
-  DWARFUnit *unit = nullptr;
-  std::vector<DWARFDIE> dies = {DWARFDIE(unit, (DWARFDebugInfoEntry *)1LL),
-                                DWARFDIE(unit, (DWARFDebugInfoEntry *)2LL),
-                                DWARFDIE(unit, (DWARFDebugInfoEntry *)3LL),
-                                DWARFDIE(unit, (DWARFDebugInfoEntry *)4LL)};
+  DWARFUnit *unit = t.GetDwarfUnit().get();
+  const DWARFDebugInfoEntry *die_first = unit->DIE().GetDIE();
+  const DWARFDebugInfoEntry *die_child0 = die_first->GetFirstChild();
+  const DWARFDebugInfoEntry *die_child1 = die_child0->GetSibling();
+  const DWARFDebugInfoEntry *die_child2 = die_child1->GetSibling();
+  const DWARFDebugInfoEntry *die_child3 = die_child2->GetSibling();
+  std::vector<DWARFDIE> dies = {
+      DWARFDIE(unit, die_child0), DWARFDIE(unit, die_child1),
+      DWARFDIE(unit, die_child2), DWARFDIE(unit, die_child3)};
   std::vector<clang::DeclContext *> decl_ctxs = {
       (clang::DeclContext *)1LL, (clang::DeclContext *)2LL,
       (clang::DeclContext *)2LL, (clang::DeclContext *)3LL};
Index: lldb/unittests/Expression/DWARFExpressionTest.cpp
--- lldb/unittests/Expression/DWARFExpressionTest.cpp
+++ lldb/unittests/Expression/DWARFExpressionTest.cpp
@@ -7,17 +7,12 @@
 #include "lldb/Expression/DWARFExpression.h"
-#include "../../source/Plugins/SymbolFile/DWARF/DWARFUnit.h"
-#include "../../source/Plugins/SymbolFile/DWARF/SymbolFileDWARF.h"
-#include "TestingSupport/SubsystemRAII.h"
-#include "lldb/Core/Module.h"
-#include "lldb/Core/Section.h"
+#include "TestingSupport/YAMLModuleTester.h"
 #include "lldb/Core/Value.h"
 #include "lldb/Core/dwarf.h"
 #include "lldb/Symbol/ObjectFile.h"
 #include "lldb/Utility/StreamString.h"
 #include "llvm/ADT/StringExtras.h"
-#include "llvm/ObjectYAML/DWARFEmitter.h"
 #include "llvm/Testing/Support/Error.h"
 #include "gtest/gtest.h"
@@ -55,126 +50,9 @@
-/// A mock module holding an object file parsed from YAML.
-class YAMLModule : public lldb_private::Module {
-  YAMLModule(ArchSpec &arch) : Module(FileSpec("test"), arch) {}
-  void SetObjectFile(lldb::ObjectFileSP obj_file) { m_objfile_sp = obj_file; }
-  ObjectFile *GetObjectFile() override { return m_objfile_sp.get(); }
-/// A mock object file that can be parsed from YAML.
-class YAMLObjectFile : public lldb_private::ObjectFile {
-  const lldb::ModuleSP m_module_sp;
-  llvm::StringMap<std::unique_ptr<llvm::MemoryBuffer>> &m_section_map;
-  /// Because there is only one DataExtractor in the ObjectFile
-  /// interface, all sections are copied into a contiguous buffer.
-  std::vector<char> m_buffer;
-  YAMLObjectFile(const lldb::ModuleSP &module_sp,
-                 llvm::StringMap<std::unique_ptr<llvm::MemoryBuffer>> &map)
-      : ObjectFile(module_sp, &module_sp->GetFileSpec(), /*file_offset*/ 0,
-                   /*length*/ 0, /*data_sp*/ nullptr, /*data_offset*/ 0),
-        m_module_sp(module_sp), m_section_map(map) {}
-  /// Callback for initializing the module's list of sections.
-  void CreateSections(SectionList &unified_section_list) override {
-    lldb::offset_t total_bytes = 0;
-    for (auto &entry : m_section_map)
-      total_bytes += entry.getValue()->getBufferSize();
-    m_buffer.reserve(total_bytes);
-    m_data =
-        DataExtractor(m_buffer.data(), total_bytes, lldb::eByteOrderLittle, 4);
-    lldb::user_id_t sect_id = 1;
-    for (auto &entry : m_section_map) {
-      llvm::StringRef name = entry.getKey();
-      lldb::SectionType sect_type =
-          llvm::StringSwitch<lldb::SectionType>(name)
-              .Case("debug_info", lldb::eSectionTypeDWARFDebugInfo)
-              .Case("debug_abbrev", lldb::eSectionTypeDWARFDebugAbbrev);
-      auto &membuf = entry.getValue();
-      lldb::addr_t file_vm_addr = 0;
-      lldb::addr_t vm_size = 0;
-      lldb::offset_t file_offset = m_buffer.size();
-      lldb::offset_t file_size = membuf->getBufferSize();
-      m_buffer.resize(file_offset + file_size);
-      memcpy(m_buffer.data() + file_offset, membuf->getBufferStart(),
-             file_size);
-      uint32_t log2align = 0;
-      uint32_t flags = 0;
-      auto section_sp = std::make_shared<lldb_private::Section>(
-          m_module_sp, this, sect_id++, ConstString(name), sect_type,
-          file_vm_addr, vm_size, file_offset, file_size, log2align, flags);
-      unified_section_list.AddSection(section_sp);
-    }
-  }
-  /// \{
-  /// Stub methods that aren't needed here.
-  ConstString GetPluginName() override { return ConstString("YAMLObjectFile"); }
-  uint32_t GetPluginVersion() override { return 0; }
-  void Dump(Stream *s) override {}
-  uint32_t GetAddressByteSize() const override { return 8; }
-  uint32_t GetDependentModules(FileSpecList &file_list) override { return 0; }
-  bool IsExecutable() const override { return 0; }
-  ArchSpec GetArchitecture() override { return {}; }
-  Symtab *GetSymtab() override { return nullptr; }
-  bool IsStripped() override { return false; }
-  UUID GetUUID() override { return {}; }
-  lldb::ByteOrder GetByteOrder() const override {
-    return lldb::eByteOrderLittle;
-  }
-  bool ParseHeader() override { return false; }
-  Type CalculateType() override { return {}; }
-  Strata CalculateStrata() override { return {}; }
-  /// \}
-/// Helper class that can construct a module from YAML and evaluate
-/// DWARF expressions on it.
-class YAMLModuleTester {
-  SubsystemRAII<FileSystem> subsystems;
-  llvm::StringMap<std::unique_ptr<llvm::MemoryBuffer>> m_sections_map;
-  lldb::ModuleSP m_module_sp;
-  lldb::ObjectFileSP m_objfile_sp;
-  DWARFUnitSP m_dwarf_unit;
-  std::unique_ptr<SymbolFileDWARF> m_symfile_dwarf;
-  /// Parse the debug info sections from the YAML description.
-  YAMLModuleTester(llvm::StringRef yaml_data, llvm::StringRef triple) {
-    auto sections_map = llvm::DWARFYAML::EmitDebugSections(yaml_data, true);
-    if (!sections_map)
-      return;
-    m_sections_map = std::move(*sections_map);
-    ArchSpec arch(triple);
-    m_module_sp = std::make_shared<YAMLModule>(arch);
-    m_objfile_sp = std::make_shared<YAMLObjectFile>(m_module_sp, m_sections_map);
-    static_cast<YAMLModule *>(m_module_sp.get())->SetObjectFile(m_objfile_sp);
-    lldb::user_id_t uid = 0;
-    llvm::StringRef raw_debug_info = m_sections_map["debug_info"]->getBuffer();
-    lldb_private::DataExtractor debug_info(
-        raw_debug_info.data(), raw_debug_info.size(),
-        m_objfile_sp->GetByteOrder(), m_objfile_sp->GetAddressByteSize());
-    lldb::offset_t offset_ptr = 0;
-    m_symfile_dwarf = std::make_unique<SymbolFileDWARF>(m_objfile_sp, nullptr);
-    llvm::Expected<DWARFUnitSP> dwarf_unit = DWARFUnit::extract(
-        *m_symfile_dwarf, uid,
-        *static_cast<lldb_private::DWARFDataExtractor *>(&debug_info),
-        DIERef::DebugInfo, &offset_ptr);
-    if (dwarf_unit)
-      m_dwarf_unit = dwarf_unit.get();
-  }
-  DWARFUnitSP GetDwarfUnit() { return m_dwarf_unit; }
-  // Evaluate a raw DWARF expression.
-  llvm::Expected<Scalar> Eval(llvm::ArrayRef<uint8_t> expr) {
-    return ::Evaluate(expr, m_module_sp, m_dwarf_unit.get());
-  }
+llvm::Expected<Scalar> YAMLModuleTester::Eval(llvm::ArrayRef<uint8_t> expr) {
+  return ::Evaluate(expr, m_module_sp, m_dwarf_unit.get());
 /// Unfortunately Scalar's operator==() is really picky.
 static Scalar GetScalar(unsigned bits, uint64_t value, bool sign) {
Index: lldb/source/Plugins/SymbolFile/DWARF/DWARFASTParserClang.h
--- lldb/source/Plugins/SymbolFile/DWARF/DWARFASTParserClang.h
+++ lldb/source/Plugins/SymbolFile/DWARF/DWARFASTParserClang.h
@@ -76,7 +76,8 @@
   typedef llvm::SmallPtrSet<const DWARFDebugInfoEntry *, 4> DIEPointerSet;
   typedef llvm::DenseMap<const DWARFDebugInfoEntry *, clang::DeclContext *>
-  typedef std::multimap<const clang::DeclContext *, const DWARFDIE>
+  typedef std::multimap<const clang::DeclContext *,
+                        std::pair<SymbolFileDWARF *, const DIERef>>
   typedef llvm::DenseMap<const DWARFDebugInfoEntry *, clang::Decl *>
Index: lldb/source/Plugins/SymbolFile/DWARF/DWARFASTParserClang.cpp
--- lldb/source/Plugins/SymbolFile/DWARF/DWARFASTParserClang.cpp
+++ lldb/source/Plugins/SymbolFile/DWARF/DWARFASTParserClang.cpp
@@ -2202,10 +2202,14 @@
       (clang::DeclContext *)decl_context.GetOpaqueDeclContext();
   for (auto it = m_decl_ctx_to_die.find(opaque_decl_ctx);
        it != m_decl_ctx_to_die.end() && it->first == opaque_decl_ctx;
-       it = m_decl_ctx_to_die.erase(it))
-    for (DWARFDIE decl = it->second.GetFirstChild(); decl;
-         decl = decl.GetSibling())
+       it = m_decl_ctx_to_die.erase(it)) {
+    SymbolFileDWARF *dwarf = it->second.first;
+    DIERef die_ref = it->second.second;
+    DWARFDIE die = dwarf->GetDIE(die_ref);
+    assert(die.IsValid());
+    for (DWARFDIE decl = die.GetFirstChild(); decl; decl = decl.GetSibling())
+  }
 CompilerDecl DWARFASTParserClang::GetDeclForUIDFromDWARF(const DWARFDIE &die) {
@@ -3579,10 +3583,12 @@
 void DWARFASTParserClang::LinkDeclContextToDIE(clang::DeclContext *decl_ctx,
                                                const DWARFDIE &die) {
+  assert(die.IsValid());
   m_die_to_decl_ctx[die.GetDIE()] = decl_ctx;
   // There can be many DIEs for a single decl context
   // m_decl_ctx_to_die[decl_ctx].insert(die.GetDIE());
-  m_decl_ctx_to_die.insert(std::make_pair(decl_ctx, die));
+  m_decl_ctx_to_die.insert(std::make_pair(
+      decl_ctx, std::make_pair(die.GetDWARF(), *die.GetDIERef())));
 bool DWARFASTParserClang::CopyUniqueClassMethodTypes(
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