labath added inline comments.

Comment at: lldb/lit/Breakpoint/jitbp_elf.test:1
+# REQUIRES: target-x86_64, system-linux, native
sgraenitz wrote:
> labath wrote:
> > sgraenitz wrote:
> > > labath wrote:
> > > > sgraenitz wrote:
> > > > > The test only works with ELF on Linux. Is the `REQUIRES` sufficient?
> > > > Yes, but what is the reason for that? It looks like the test is generic 
> > > > enough that it should run on any system where lli is able to jit code. 
> > > > In particular I'd expect this to also work on macOS if you set 
> > > > `plugin-jit-loader.gdb.enable` to `on`.
> > > Indeed, since it does work on macOS with 
> > > ELF.
> > Cool. I think you can also drop the `target-x86_64` part, as I don't see a 
> > reason why this shouldn't work on arm for instance (though we don't have 
> > any arm bots around to verify that). I am not sure why you're using the 
> > `--target` argument to clang -- I think you should be able to just drop 
> > that and make clang generate IR for the host. (the `native` feature ensures 
> > that "host" is the default target for clang).
> Without `--target` we emit MachO, which is not implemented on the JIT side 
> and LLDB doesn't even get a JIT descriptor:
> ```
> $ bin/lldb
> (lldb) target create bin/lli
> Current executable set to 'bin/lli' (x86_64).
> (lldb) b getObjectForDebug
> Breakpoint 1: 3 locations.
> (lldb) run -jit-kind=mcjit 
> tools/lldb/lit/Breakpoint/Output/jitbp_elf.test.tmp.ll
> Process 40151 launched: /path/to/llvm-build/bin/lli' (x86_64)
> Process 40151 stopped
> * thread #1, queue = '', stop reason = breakpoint 1.3
>     frame #0: 0x0000000100f3ddb3 lli`(anonymous 
> namespace)::LoadedMachOObjectInfo::getObjectForDebug(this=0x0000000105c03540, 
> Obj=0x0000000105c03880) const at RuntimeDyldMachO.cpp:38:12
>    35         
>    36           OwningBinary<ObjectFile>
>    37           getObjectForDebug(const ObjectFile &Obj) const override {
> -> 38             return OwningBinary<ObjectFile>();
>    39           }
>    40         };
>    41
> ```
Ah, interesting. That's unfortunate, cause that makes running the test on other 
architectures trickier (but I guess it doesn't matter that much as we'll always 
have x86 bots around to check that.

  rG LLVM Github Monorepo


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