hintonda added a comment.

In https://reviews.llvm.org/D39436#912910, @zturner wrote:


>> I haven't had time to really look into this, but it seems that maintaining 
>> two independent strings, one for directory and one for basename, is just for 
>> convenience.   We could easily keep it in a single string with an index to 
>> basename.  When the directory portion is updated, e.g., resolved, etc., we 
>> just overwrite the string and adjust the index.  And adjust accessors as 
>> needed.
> The reason it's two strings is for memory efficiency and de-duplication.  
> Suppose you make `FileSpec` instances from  `foo/bar/baz/` and 
> `foo/bar/buzz`.  This gets separated into 4 instances of `ConstString`.  
> `foo/bar`, `baz`, `foo/bar`, and `buzz`.  Because `ConstString`s are pooled, 
> there's actually only 3 strings here.  `foo/bar`, `baz`, and `buzz`.
> It probably doesn't seem like a lot, but over the course of thousands and 
> thousands of files (which debuggers often examine and which often share a 
> common parent directory) this is a large memory savings.

Ah, thanks for the explanation.


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