jingham added a comment.

So one of the expectations of people using the debugger is that their whole 
program is available to them wherever they happen to be stopped.  People get 
really upset when we break that fiction.  I've experienced this both in Radar 
and in person...  But in this case, it seems like a reasonable expectation:

Imagine the debugging scenario where I had stepped into my library, run my 
debugging function, stepped out to the client and what got returned didn't make 
sense with the output of the debugging function.  So I want to run it again to 
see what happened.  I certainly don't want to have to navigate back to my 
library to do that, I don't want the program to change state at all and there 
may be no functions of my library still on the stack somewhere.

I think if you make me say:

  (lldb) expr --pretend-module MyLib.dyld -- my_library_singleton->WFTDude()

you will not make me happy.  lldb should not force users to disambiguate things 
that are not ambiguous.  If there were multiple visible my_library_singleton 
symbols floating around, that would be my fault for choosing a bad name, and as 
the debugger user I wouldn't feel too bad about having to do something to 
disambiguate.  But if it isn't lldb shouldn't make me have to do more work to 
specify it.


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