jingham requested changes to this revision.
jingham added a comment.
This revision now requires changes to proceed.

If I have a library that uses some singleton class that's not exported, and I'm 
debugging code in a client of my library, and the state of my library is 
looking odd based on what it is returning to the client, it seems not unnatural 
to want to call:

(lldb) expr my_library_singleton->WFTDude()

accessing some debugging function I've put in for that purpose.  This change 
would make that not work.

Even worse, it would work when I stepped into the code of my library, but then 
when I stepped out to the client it would stop working.  And the error would be 
just "unknown symbol my_library_singleton".  We wouldn't have a good way to 
help explain this failure.

If the general vote is "Jim is nuts, no programmer would ever do this" then I 
guess it is okay, but this seems to me a not-implausible debugging scenario, 
and I'd really rather not break it unless we can't think of any other way 
around the problem this is actually trying to solve.


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