matthewbastien wrote:

> I am not sure I understand that concern. Looking at the [commit log of 
> swiftlang/llvm-project](,
>  it seems that they are picking up changes to lldb-dap very quickly. Or am I 
> missing something?

Swift uses specific branches of the name `stable/*` for its fork of 
`llvm-project`. At the moment, the Swift `main` branch builds use 
`stable/20240723` which has very few of the recent changes to 
`llvm/llvm-project` in it (and anything new needs to be cherry-picked in). 
Additionally, release builds of Swift are locked to a `swift/release/*` branch. 
Currently, Swift 6.1 is locked except for major bug fixes and uses the 
`swift/release/6.1` branch for builds.

That being said, I still agree that adding the process picking functionality to 
`lldb-dap` makes the most sense in the long run. Especially for cases where 
remote debugging is being used. I'm going to add the NodeJS process picker to 
the Swift extension in order to support attach requests in Swift 6.0, but will 
work on updating this PR with the `lldb-dap` platform process list approach 

Once this gets into Swift's `lldb-dap` then that extension can use the process 
picker from this PR. I think that's a happy medium in the meantime.
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