@@ -397,21 +413,23 @@ def connect_to_debug_monitor(self, attach_pid=None):
             # Schedule debug monitor to be shut down during teardown.
             logger = self.logger
-            connect_attemps = 0
+            connect_attempts = 0
             MAX_CONNECT_ATTEMPTS = 10
-            while connect_attemps < MAX_CONNECT_ATTEMPTS:
-                # Create a socket to talk to the server
-                try:
-                    logger.info("Connect attempt %d", connect_attemps + 1)
-                    self.sock = self.create_socket()
labath wrote:

Cool. Glad we could sort that out. I think we can remove that android check 
(and reword the comment to be more generic). I think this is a general 
property/design bug of port forwarders (they only attempt the outgoing 
connection after they receive the incoming one, at which point it is too late 
to abort, so the only thing they really can do is drop the connection). The 
only reason that check is android-specific is because we didn't need it 
anywhere else (yet).

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