@@ -397,21 +413,23 @@ def connect_to_debug_monitor(self, attach_pid=None):
             # Schedule debug monitor to be shut down during teardown.
             logger = self.logger
-            connect_attemps = 0
+            connect_attempts = 0
             MAX_CONNECT_ATTEMPTS = 10
-            while connect_attemps < MAX_CONNECT_ATTEMPTS:
-                # Create a socket to talk to the server
-                try:
-                    logger.info("Connect attempt %d", connect_attemps + 1)
-                    self.sock = self.create_socket()
sga-sc wrote:

@labath Thank you for your advice! After removing check for android platform 
tests passed. I execute tests on `qemu-system-riscv64` and it's port forwarding 
behaves probably like android's (judging by passed tests). What should I do 
with this check for android?

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