@@ -0,0 +1,492 @@
+import os
+import os.path
+import lldb
+from lldbsuite.test.lldbtest import *
+from lldbsuite.test.gdbclientutils import *
+from lldbsuite.test.lldbgdbproxy import *
+import lldbgdbserverutils
+import re
+class ThreadSnapshot:
+    def __init__(self, thread_id, registers):
+        self.thread_id = thread_id
+        self.registers = registers
+class MemoryBlockSnapshot:
+    def __init__(self, address, data):
+        self.address = address
+        self.data = data
+class StateSnapshot:
+    def __init__(self, thread_snapshots, memory):
+        self.thread_snapshots = thread_snapshots
+        self.memory = memory
+        self.thread_id = None
+class RegisterInfo:
+    def __init__(self, lldb_index, bitsize, little_endian):
+        self.lldb_index = lldb_index
+        self.bitsize = bitsize
+        self.little_endian = little_endian
+BLOCK_SIZE = 1024
+class ReverseTestBase(GDBProxyTestBase):
+    """
+    Base class for tests that need reverse execution.
+    This class uses a gdbserver proxy to add very limited reverse-
+    execution capability to lldb-server/debugserver for testing
+    purposes only.
+    To use this class, run the inferior forward until some stopping point.
+    Then call `start_recording()` and execute forward again until reaching
+    a software breakpoint; this class records the state before each execution 
+    At that point, the server will accept "bc" and "bs" packets to step
+    backwards through the state.
+    When executing during recording, we only allow single-step and continue 
+    delivering a signal, and only software breakpoint stops are allowed.
+    We assume that while recording is enabled, the only effects of instructions
+    are on general-purpose registers (read/written by the 'g' and 'G' packets)
+    and on memory bytes between [SP - BELOW_STACK_POINTER, SP + 
+    """
+    """
+    A list of StateSnapshots in time order.
+    There is one snapshot per single-stepped instruction,
+    representing the state before that instruction was
+    executed. The last snapshot in the list is the
+    snapshot before the last instruction was executed.
+    This is an undo log; we snapshot a superset of the state that may have
+    been changed by the instruction's execution.
+    """
+    snapshots = None
+    recording_enabled = False
+    breakpoints = None
+    pc_register_info = None
+    sp_register_info = None
+    general_purpose_register_info = None
+    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
+        GDBProxyTestBase.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs)
+        self.breakpoints = [set(), set(), set(), set(), set()]
+    def respond(self, packet):
+        if not packet:
+            raise ValueError("Invalid empty packet")
+        if packet == self.server.PACKET_INTERRUPT:
+            # Don't send a response. We'll just run to completion.
+            return []
+        if self.is_command(packet, "qSupported", ":"):
+            # Disable multiprocess support in the server and in LLDB
+            # since Mac debugserver doesn't support it and we want lldb-server 
+            # be consistent with that
+            reply = self.pass_through(packet.replace(";multiprocess", ""))
+            return reply.replace(";multiprocess", "") + 
+        if packet == "c" or packet == "s":
+            packet = "vCont;" + packet
+        elif (
+            packet[0] == "c" or packet[0] == "s" or packet[0] == "C" or 
packet[0] == "S"
+        ):
+            raise ValueError(
+                "Old-style continuation packets with address or signal not 
supported yet"
+            )
+        if self.is_command(packet, "vCont", ";"):
+            if self.recording_enabled:
+                return self.continue_with_recording(packet)
+            snapshots = []
+        if packet == "bc":
+            return self.reverse_continue()
+        if packet == "bs":
+            return self.reverse_step()
+        if packet == "jThreadsInfo":
+            # Suppress this because it contains thread stop reasons which we 
+            # need to modify, and we don't want to have to implement that.
+            return ""
+        if packet[0] == "z" or packet[0] == "Z":
+            reply = self.pass_through(packet)
+            if reply == "OK":
+                self.update_breakpoints(packet)
+            return reply
+        return GDBProxyTestBase.respond(self, packet)
+    def start_recording(self):
+        self.recording_enabled = True
+        self.snapshots = []
+    def stop_recording(self):
+        """
+        Don't record when executing foward.
+        Reverse execution is still supported until the next forward continue.
+        """
+        self.recording_enabled = False
+    def is_command(self, packet, cmd, follow_token):
+        return packet == cmd or packet[0 : len(cmd) + 1] == cmd + follow_token
+    def update_breakpoints(self, packet):
+        m = re.match("([zZ])([01234]),([0-9a-f]+),([0-9a-f]+)", packet)
+        if m is None:
+            raise ValueError("Invalid breakpoint packet: " + packet)
+        t = int(m.group(2))
+        addr = int(m.group(3), 16)
+        kind = int(m.group(4), 16)
+        if m.group(1) == "Z":
+            self.breakpoints[t].add((addr, kind))
+        else:
+            self.breakpoints[t].discard((addr, kind))
+    def breakpoint_triggered_at(self, pc):
+        if any(addr == pc for addr, kind in 
+            return True
+        if any(addr == pc for addr, kind in 
+            return True
+        return False
+    def watchpoint_triggered(self, new_value_block, current_contents):
+        """Returns the address or None."""
+        for watch_addr, kind in self.breakpoints[WRITE_WATCHPOINTS]:
+            for offset in range(0, kind):
+                addr = watch_addr + offset
+                if (
+                    addr >= new_value_block.address
+                    and addr < new_value_block.address + 
+                ):
+                    index = addr - new_value_block.address
+                    if (
+                        new_value_block.data[index * 2 : (index + 1) * 2]
+                        != current_contents[index * 2 : (index + 1) * 2]
+                    ):
+                        return watch_addr
+        return None
+    def continue_with_recording(self, packet):
+        self.logger.debug("Continue with recording enabled")
+        step_packet = "vCont;s"
+        if packet == "vCont":
+            requested_step = False
+        else:
+            m = re.match("vCont;(c|s)(.*)", packet)
+            if m is None:
+                raise ValueError("Unsupported vCont packet: " + packet)
+            requested_step = m.group(1) == "s"
+            step_packet += m.group(2)
+        while True:
+            snapshot = self.capture_snapshot()
+            reply = self.pass_through(step_packet)
+            (stop_signal, stop_pairs) = self.parse_stop_reply(reply)
+            if stop_signal != 5:
+                raise ValueError("Unexpected stop signal: " + reply)
+            is_swbreak = False
+            thread_id = None
+            for key, value in stop_pairs.items():
+                if key == "thread":
+                    thread_id = self.parse_thread_id(value)
+                    continue
+                if re.match("[0-9a-f]+", key):
+                    continue
+                if key == "swbreak" or (key == "reason" and value == 
+                    is_swbreak = True
+                    continue
+                if key == "metype":
+                    reason = self.stop_reason_from_mach_exception(stop_pairs)
+                    if reason == "breakpoint":
+                        is_swbreak = True
+                    elif reason != "singlestep":
+                        raise ValueError(f"Unsupported stop reason in {reply}")
+                    continue
+                if key in [
+                    "name",
+                    "threads",
+                    "thread-pcs",
+                    "reason",
+                    "mecount",
+                    "medata",
+                    "memory",
+                ]:
+                    continue
+                raise ValueError(f"Unknown stop key '{key}' in {reply}")
+            if is_swbreak:
+                self.logger.debug("Recording stopped")
+                return reply
+            if thread_id is None:
+                return ValueError("Expected thread ID: " + reply)
+            snapshot.thread_id = thread_id
+            self.snapshots.append(snapshot)
+            if requested_step:
+                self.logger.debug("Recording stopped for step")
+                return reply
+    def stop_reason_from_mach_exception(self, stop_pairs):
+        # See StopInfoMachException::CreateStopReasonWithMachException.
+        if int(stop_pairs["metype"]) != 6:  # EXC_BREAKPOINT
+            raise ValueError(f"Unsupported exception type {value} in {reply}")
+        medata = stop_pairs["medata"]
+        arch = self.getArchitecture()
+        if arch in ["amd64", "i386", "x86_64"]:
+            if int(medata[0], 16) == 2:
+                return "breakpoint"
+            if int(medata[0], 16) == 1 and int(medata[1], 16) == 0:
+                return "singlestep"
+        elif arch in ["arm64", "arm64e"]:
+            if int(medata[0], 16) == 1 and int(medata[1], 16) != 0:
+                return "breakpoint"
+            elif int(medata[0], 16) == 1 and int(medata[1], 16) == 0:
+                return "singlestep"
+        else:
+            raise ValueError(f"Unsupported architecture '{arch}'")
+        raise ValueError(f"Unsupported exception details in {reply}")
+    def parse_stop_reply(self, reply):
+        if not reply:
+            raise ValueError("Invalid empty packet")
+        if reply[0] == "T" and len(reply) >= 3:
+            result = {}
+            for k, v in self.parse_pairs(reply[3:]):
+                if k in ["medata", "memory"]:
+                    if k in result:
+                        result[k].append(v)
+                    else:
+                        result[k] = [v]
+                else:
+                    result[k] = v
+            return (int(reply[1:3], 16), result)
+        raise ValueError("Unsupported stop reply: " + reply)
+    def parse_pairs(self, text):
+        for pair in text.split(";"):
+            if not pair:
+                continue
+            m = re.match("([^:]+):(.*)", pair)
+            if m is None:
+                raise ValueError("Invalid pair text: " + text)
+            yield (m.group(1), m.group(2))
+    def capture_snapshot(self):
+        """Snapshot all threads and their stack memories."""
+        self.ensure_register_info()
+        current_thread = self.get_current_thread()
+        thread_snapshots = []
+        memory = []
+        for thread_id in self.get_thread_list():
+            registers = {}
+            for index in sorted(self.general_purpose_register_info.keys()):
+                reply = self.pass_through(f"p{index:x};thread:{thread_id:x};")
+                if reply == "" or reply[0] == "E":
+                    raise ValueError("Can't read register")
+                registers[index] = reply
+            thread_snapshot = ThreadSnapshot(thread_id, registers)
+            thread_sp = self.get_register(
+                self.sp_register_info, thread_snapshot.registers
+            )
+            memory += self.read_memory(
+                thread_sp - BELOW_STACK_POINTER, thread_sp + 
+            )
+            thread_snapshots.append(thread_snapshot)
+        self.set_current_thread(current_thread)
+        return StateSnapshot(thread_snapshots, memory)
+    def restore_snapshot(self, snapshot):
+        """
+        Restore the snapshot during reverse execution.
+        If this triggers a breakpoint or watchpoint, return the stop reply,
+        otherwise None.
+        """
+        current_thread = self.get_current_thread()
+        stop_reasons = []
+        for thread_snapshot in snapshot.thread_snapshots:
+            thread_id = thread_snapshot.thread_id
+            for lldb_index in sorted(thread_snapshot.registers.keys()):
+                data = thread_snapshot.registers[lldb_index]
+                reply = self.pass_through(
+                    f"P{lldb_index:x}={data};thread:{thread_id:x};"
+                )
+                if reply != "OK":
+                    raise ValueError("Can't restore thread register")
+            if thread_id == snapshot.thread_id:
+                new_pc = self.get_register(
+                    self.pc_register_info, thread_snapshot.registers
+                )
+                if self.breakpoint_triggered_at(new_pc):
+                    stop_reasons.append([("reason", "breakpoint")])
+        self.set_current_thread(current_thread)
+        for block in snapshot.memory:
+            current_memory = self.pass_through(
+                f"m{block.address:x},{(len(block.data)//2):x}"
+            )
+            if not current_memory or current_memory[0] == "E":
+                raise ValueError("Can't read back memory")
+            reply = self.pass_through(
+                f"M{block.address:x},{len(block.data)//2:x}:" + block.data
+            )
+            if reply != "OK":
+                raise ValueError("Can't restore memory")
+            watch_addr = self.watchpoint_triggered(block, current_memory)
+            if watch_addr is not None:
+                stop_reasons.append(
+                    [("reason", "watchpoint"), ("watch", f"{watch_addr:x}")]
+                )
+        if stop_reasons:
+            pairs = ";".join(f"{key}:{value}" for key, value in 
+            return f"T05thread:{snapshot.thread_id:x};{pairs};"
+        return None
+    def reverse_step(self):
+        if not self.snapshots:
+            self.logger.debug("Reverse-step at history boundary")
+            return self.history_boundary_reply(self.get_current_thread())
+        self.logger.debug("Reverse-step started")
+        snapshot = self.snapshots.pop()
+        stop_reply = self.restore_snapshot(snapshot)
+        self.set_current_thread(snapshot.thread_id)
+        self.logger.debug("Reverse-step stopped")
+        if stop_reply is None:
+            return self.singlestep_stop_reply(snapshot.thread_id)
+        return stop_reply
+    def reverse_continue(self):
+        self.logger.debug("Reverse-continue started")
+        thread_id = None
+        while self.snapshots:
+            snapshot = self.snapshots.pop()
+            stop_reply = self.restore_snapshot(snapshot)
+            thread_id = snapshot.thread_id
+            if stop_reply is not None:
+                self.set_current_thread(thread_id)
+                self.logger.debug("Reverse-continue stopped")
+                return stop_reply
+        if thread_id is None:
+            thread_id = self.get_current_thread()
+        else:
+            self.set_current_thread(snapshot.thread_id)
+        self.logger.debug("Reverse-continue stopped at history boundary")
+        return self.history_boundary_reply(thread_id)
+    def get_current_thread(self):
+        reply = self.pass_through("qC")
+        return self.parse_thread_id(reply[2:])
+    def parse_thread_id(self, thread_id):
+        m = re.match("([0-9a-f]+)", thread_id)
+        if m is None:
+            raise ValueError("Invalid thread ID: " + thread_id)
+        return int(m.group(1), 16)
+    def history_boundary_reply(self, thread_id):
+        return f"T00thread:{thread_id:x};replaylog:begin;"
+    def singlestep_stop_reply(self, thread_id):
+        return f"T05thread:{thread_id:x};"
+    def set_current_thread(self, thread_id):
+        """
+        Set current thread in inner gdbserver.
+        """
+        if thread_id >= 0:
+            self.pass_through(f"Hg{thread_id:x}")
+            self.pass_through(f"Hc{thread_id:x}")
+        else:
+            self.pass_through(f"Hc-1")
+            self.pass_through(f"Hg-1")
+    def get_register(self, register_info, registers):
+        if register_info.bitsize % 8 != 0:
+            raise ValueError("Register size must be a multiple of 8 bits")
+        if register_info.lldb_index not in registers:
+            raise ValueError("Register value not captured")
+        data = registers[register_info.lldb_index]
+        num_bytes = register_info.bitsize // 8
+        bytes = []
+        for i in range(0, num_bytes):
+            bytes.append(int(data[i * 2 : (i + 1) * 2], 16))
+        if register_info.little_endian:
+            bytes.reverse()
+        result = 0
+        for byte in bytes:
+            result = (result << 8) + byte
+        return result
+    def read_memory(self, start_addr, end_addr):
+        """
+        Read a region of memory from the target.
+        Some of the addresses may extend into invalid virtual memory;
labath wrote:

I believe this works by rounding all accesses to BLOCK_SIZE and assuming block 
size is smaller than the page size (so that either the whole block is 
accessible, or it isn't (check on line 447). It doesn't handle the case of 
readable-but-not-writable blocks though..

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