labath added inline comments. ================ Comment at: CMakeLists.txt:3 @@ -2,1 +2,3 @@ +if(MINGW_DEBUG) + # force debugging info into lldb sources ---------------- eran.ifrah wrote: > labath wrote: > > Why do we need this? Why is `-DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug` not sufficient? > No. As I mentioned in my previous comment the object file generated are too > big for as.exe to handle > and it aborts. This results from Clang files (not LLDB). As a workaround and > I added this command line directive to be able to produce debug builds of > LLDB so I can actually debug them and provide some more insights if needed Sorry, I came late to the discussion and I did not catch that.
This sounds like the same problem clang is having with MSVC on windows. For MSVC, it is possible to fix this by specifying the `/bigobj` flag to the compiler (see clang/lib/ASTMatchers/Dynamic/CMakeLists.txt). A quick search <> seems to indicate that the same solution could be applied to mingw as well. Could see if you could make that work instead? ================ Comment at: cmake/modules/LLDBConfig.cmake:224 @@ -223,2 +223,3 @@ # Disable Clang warnings +if (CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER_ID MATCHES "Clang") check_cxx_compiler_flag("-Wno-deprecated-register" ---------------- eran.ifrah wrote: > labath wrote: > > Why is this necessary? The whole purpose `check_cxx_compiler_flag` is to > > check whether a compiler supports some flag. Hardcoding the check ourselves > > makes that kinda pointless. What error were you getting here? > Tons of warnings about unrecognized command line directive (or something > similar) - can't remember the exact warning message - but its something like > this. If really need to know the warning message, I can re-compile without > this change Ok, so it seems the problem is that this check will not work because most compilers will not treat an unknown -W flag as a fatal error. The trick seems to be to pass `-Werror` as well to force a non-zero exit (see llvm/cmake/modules/HandleLLVMOptions.cmake). Perhaps you could do the same here? _______________________________________________ lldb-commits mailing list