labath added a subscriber: labath. labath added a comment. Some more "why do this?" questions from me...
I was looking into using mingw a couple weeks ago, but gave up, so I'm interested to see your progress here. However, I'd like to avoid adding hacks into the cmake files if it is not completely necessary, as it increases the future maintenance burden. ================ Comment at: CMakeLists.txt:3 @@ -2,1 +2,3 @@ +if(MINGW_DEBUG) + # force debugging info into lldb sources ---------------- Why do we need this? Why is `-DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug` not sufficient? ================ Comment at: cmake/modules/LLDBConfig.cmake:224 @@ -223,2 +223,3 @@ # Disable Clang warnings +if (CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER_ID MATCHES "Clang") check_cxx_compiler_flag("-Wno-deprecated-register" ---------------- Why is this necessary? The whole purpose `check_cxx_compiler_flag` is to check whether a compiler supports some flag. Hardcoding the check ourselves makes that kinda pointless. What error were you getting here? ================ Comment at: tools/argdumper/CMakeLists.txt:5 @@ -4,1 +4,3 @@ +if(MINGW) + # link directly against the dll file ---------------- Why is this necessary? This seems like it's trying to work around some bug present elsewhere.. ================ Comment at: tools/driver/CMakeLists.txt:20 @@ -19,1 +19,3 @@ +if(MINGW) + # link directly against the dll file ---------------- Same question. _______________________________________________ lldb-commits mailing list