On 27/11/15 15:45, Stewart Smith wrote:
OPALv2 only ever existed in the lab and didn't escape to the world.
All OPAL systems in the wild are OPALv3.

The probability of there being an OPALv2 system still powered on
anywhere inside IBM is approximately zero, let alone anyone
expecting to run mainline kernels.

So, start to remove references to OPALv2.

Signed-off-by: Stewart Smith <stew...@linux.vnet.ibm.com>

Was going to comment that you should've removed the OPAL v1 line in cpuinfo, but it seems you do that in the next patch.

Reviewed-by: Andrew Donnellan <andrew.donnel...@au1.ibm.com>

Andrew Donnellan              Software Engineer, OzLabs
andrew.donnel...@au1.ibm.com  Australia Development Lab, Canberra
+61 2 6201 8874 (work)        IBM Australia Limited

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