On 01/07/2014 06:05 AM, Scott Wood wrote:
On Mon, 2014-01-06 at 13:27 +0800, wyang wrote:
On 01/06/2014 11:41 AM, Gavin Hu wrote:

Thanks your response.  :)
But that means that these optimitive operations like atomic_add()
aren't optimitive actully in PPC architecture, right? Becuase they
can be interrupted by loacl HW interrupts. Theoretically, the ISR
also can access the atomic gloable variable.

Nope, my understand is that if you wanna sync kernel primitive code
with ISR, you have responsibility to disable local interrupts.
atomic_add does not guarantee to handle such case.
atomic_add() and other atomics do handle that case.  Interrupts are not
disabled, but there's a stwcx. in the interrupt return code to make sure
the reservation gets cleared.

Yeah, Can you provide more detail info about why they can handle that case? The following is my understand:

Let us assume that there is a atomic global variable(var_a) and its initial value is 0.

The kernel attempts to execute atomic_add(1, var_a), after lwarx a async interrupt happens, and the ISR also accesses "var_a" variable and executes atomic_add.

static __inline__ void atomic_add(int a, atomic_t *v)
    int t;

    __asm__ __volatile__(
"1:    lwarx    %0,0,%3        # atomic_add\n\
---------------------------------- <----------- interrupt happens-------> ISR also operates this global variable "var_a" such as also executing atomic_add(1, var_a). so the
              var_a would is 1.
    add    %0,%2,%0\n"
" stwcx. %0,0,%3 \n\ <----- After interrupt code returns, the reservation is cleared. so CR0 is not equal to 0, and then jump the 1 label. the var_a will be 2.
    bne-    1b"
    : "=&r" (t), "+m" (v->counter)
    : "r" (a), "r" (&v->counter)
    : "cc");

So the value of var_a is 2 rather than 1. Thats why i said that atomic_add does not handle such case. If I miss something, please correct me.:-)



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