Hi Kumar,

>----Messaggio originale----
>Da: ga...@kernel.crashing.org
27/09/2012 14.27
>A: "Davide Viti"<zino...@tiscali.it>
>Cc: <linuxppc-dev@lists.
>Ogg: Re: PCI device not working
>Can you see what bus_no 
actually gets set to in the case we scan 0001:03 ?
>If its set to 03, can you 
try hack it to 1.

is this what you mean?

+++ b/arch/powerpc/sysdev/indirect_pci.c

        bus_no = (bus->number == hose->first_busno) ?
hose->self_busno : bus->number;

+       if (bus_no == 3) {
+         printk
("*** force bus_no 3 -> 1 ***\n");
+         bus_no = 1;
+       }

tested a kernel with the above patch and this is what is printed on the log:

pci_bus 0001:03: scanning bus
-> ind_r_config - [/pcie@ffe0a000] devfn=0x0 
offset=0x0 len=0x4 hose->indirect_type=0x16 hose->first_busno=0x2 bus-
*** force bus_no 3 -> 1 ***
 -> ind_r_config [/pcie@ffe0a000] - 
(bus_no=0x1 reg=0x0 cfg_data=0xff7eb004 len=0x4 hose->cfg_addr=0xff7eb000) 

the entire log (132Kb) is available in [1] 
and [2]

thanx for your help,

[1] http://pastebin.com/3mcbDzwY
[2] http:

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