> > >From there, you might be able to close onto the culprit a bit more, for
> > example, try using the DABR register to set data access breakpoints
> > shortly before the corruption spot. AFAIK, On those old 32-bit CPUs, you
> > can set whether you want it to break on a real or a virtual address.
> I thought of that, but as far as I can tell, this CPU doesn't have DABR.
> /proc/cpuinfo
> processor     : 0
> cpu           : 7447/7457
> clock         : 999.999990MHz
> revision      : 1.1 (pvr 8002 0101)
> bogomips      : 66.66
> timebase      : 33333333
> platform      : CHRP
> model         : Pegasos2
> machine               : CHRP Pegasos2
> Memory                : 512 MB

AFAIK, the 7447 is just a derivative of the 7450 design which -does-
have a DABR ... Unless it's broken :-)

> My next thought was: right after the correct value appears in memory, unmap
> the page from the kernel and let it Oops when it tries to write there. Then I
> found out that the kernel is using BATs instead of page tables for its own
> view of memory. Booting with "nobats" completely changes the memory usage
> pattern (probably because it's allocating a lot of pages to hold PTEs that it
> didn't need before)

Right. And that hides the problem I suppose ?

> > You can also sprinkle tests for the page content through the code if
> > that doesn't work to try to "close in" on the culprit (for example if
> > it's a case of stray DMA, like a network driver bug or such).
> No network drivers are loaded when this happens.



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