Hi, I am having trouble building u-boot (from u-boot-2009.11-mpc8572ds.spec)
from LTIB for the MPC8572DS platform using just the Makefile and freescale
cross tools.  The build machine is CentOS 5.3.  This is procedure I am
following (on LTIB for MPC8572DS, 20100115):
# cd ltib-mpc8572ds-20100115
# ./ltib -m prep -p u-boot-2009.11-mpc8572ds.spec
# ./ltib -m scbuild -p u-boot-2009.11-mpc8572ds.spec
# cd rpm/BUILD/

2. confirm configuration and make
# cd u-boot-2009.11-rc1-19
# make ARCH=powerpc CROSS_COMPILE=/......../bin/powerpc-none-linux-gnuspe-
# make ARCH=powerpc CROSS_COMPILE=/......../bin/powerpc-none-linux-gnuspe-

but i'm getting (several) compile errors from the make.  It goes for a
while, then gets errors at different points, depending on how much it has to
Usually, just syntax errors or something like:
make -C lib_powerpc/
make: *** lib_powerpc/: No such file or directory.  Stop.
make: *** [lib_powerpc/libpowerpc.a] Error 2
....however I can still build using ./ltib???
shouldn't I be able to build from make?  (as per the MPC8572DS NAND
bootloader User Manual HTML doc)?    Is there some other way I should be
building?  Any help would be much appreciated!

Thanks very much,
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