Most functions have an unconditional return at the end, like
this one:

        00000000 <is_exec_fault>:
           0:   81 22 04 d0     lwz     r9,1232(r2)
           4:   38 60 00 00     li      r3,0
           8:   2c 09 00 00     cmpwi   r9,0
           c:   4d 82 00 20     beqlr           <== Conditional return
          10:   80 69 00 a0     lwz     r3,160(r9)
          14:   54 63 00 36     clrrwi  r3,r3,4
          18:   68 63 04 00     xori    r3,r3,1024
          1c:   7c 63 00 34     cntlzw  r3,r3
          20:   54 63 d9 7e     srwi    r3,r3,5
          24:   4e 80 00 20     blr             <== Unconditional return

But other functions like this other one below only have
conditional returns:

        00000028 <pte_update.isra.0>:
          28:   81 25 00 00     lwz     r9,0(r5)
          2c:   2c 08 00 00     cmpwi   r8,0
          30:   7d 29 30 78     andc    r9,r9,r6
          34:   7d 27 3b 78     or      r7,r9,r7
          38:   54 84 65 3a     rlwinm  r4,r4,12,20,29
          3c:   81 23 00 18     lwz     r9,24(r3)
          40:   41 82 00 58     beq     98 <pte_update.isra.0+0x70>
          44:   7d 29 20 2e     lwzx    r9,r9,r4
          48:   55 29 07 3a     rlwinm  r9,r9,0,28,29
          4c:   2c 09 00 0c     cmpwi   r9,12
          50:   41 82 00 08     beq     58 <pte_update.isra.0+0x30>
          54:   39 00 00 80     li      r8,128
          58:   2c 08 00 01     cmpwi   r8,1
          5c:   90 e5 00 00     stw     r7,0(r5)
          60:   4d a2 00 20     beqlr+          <== Conditional return
          64:   7c e9 3b 78     mr      r9,r7
          68:   39 40 00 00     li      r10,0
          6c:   39 4a 00 04     addi    r10,r10,4
          70:   7c 0a 40 00     cmpw    r10,r8
          74:   91 25 00 04     stw     r9,4(r5)
          78:   91 25 00 08     stw     r9,8(r5)
          7c:   38 a5 00 10     addi    r5,r5,16
          80:   91 25 ff fc     stw     r9,-4(r5)
          84:   4c 80 00 20     bgelr           <== Conditional return
          88:   55 49 60 26     slwi    r9,r10,12
          8c:   7d 29 3a 14     add     r9,r9,r7
          90:   91 25 00 00     stw     r9,0(r5)
          94:   4b ff ff d8     b       6c <pte_update.isra.0+0x44>
          98:   39 00 00 04     li      r8,4
          9c:   4b ff ff bc     b       58 <pte_update.isra.0+0x30>

If conditional returns are decoded as INSN_OTHER, objtool considers
that the second function never returns.

If conditional returns are decoded as INSN_RETURN, objtool considers
that code after that conditional return is dead.

To overcome this situation, introduce INSN_RETURN_CONDITIONAL which
is taken as a confirmation that a function is not noreturn but still
sees following code as reachable.

Signed-off-by: Christophe Leroy <>
Acked-by: Peter Zijlstra (Intel) <>
 tools/objtool/check.c                | 2 +-
 tools/objtool/include/objtool/arch.h | 1 +
 2 files changed, 2 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)

diff --git a/tools/objtool/check.c b/tools/objtool/check.c
index 58d9b1a750e3..10979d68103d 100644
--- a/tools/objtool/check.c
+++ b/tools/objtool/check.c
@@ -279,7 +279,7 @@ static bool __dead_end_function(struct objtool_file *file, 
struct symbol *func,
        func_for_each_insn(file, func, insn) {
                empty = false;
-               if (insn->type == INSN_RETURN)
+               if (insn->type == INSN_RETURN || insn->type == 
                        return false;
diff --git a/tools/objtool/include/objtool/arch.h 
index d63b46a19f39..900601e2f22b 100644
--- a/tools/objtool/include/objtool/arch.h
+++ b/tools/objtool/include/objtool/arch.h
@@ -19,6 +19,7 @@ enum insn_type {

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