In order to implement UACCESS validation, objtool support
for powerpc needs to be enhanced to decode more instructions.

It also requires implementation of switch tables finding.
On PPC32 it is similar to x86, switch tables are anonymous in .rodata,
the difference is that the value is relative to its index in the table.

Another big different is that several switch tables can be nested
so the register containing the table base address also needs to be
tracked and taken into account.

Don't activate it for Clang for now because its switch tables are
different from GCC switch tables.

Then comes the UACCESS enabling/disabling instructions. On booke and
8xx it is done with a mtspr instruction. For 8xx that's in SPRN_MD_AP,
for booke that's in SPRN_PID. Annotate those instructions.

No work has been done for ASM files, they are not used for UACCESS
so for the moment just tell objtool to ignore ASM files.

For relocatable code, the .got2 relocation preceding each global
function needs to be marked as ignored because some versions of GCC
do this:

     120:       00 00 00 00     .long 0x0
                        120: R_PPC_REL32        .got2+0x7ff0

00000124 <tohex>:
     124:       94 21 ff f0     stwu    r1,-16(r1)
     128:       7c 08 02 a6     mflr    r0
     12c:       42 9f 00 05     bcl     20,4*cr7+so,130 <tohex+0xc>
     130:       39 00 00 00     li      r8,0
     134:       39 20 00 08     li      r9,8
     138:       93 c1 00 08     stw     r30,8(r1)
     13c:       7f c8 02 a6     mflr    r30
     140:       90 01 00 14     stw     r0,20(r1)
     144:       80 1e ff f0     lwz     r0,-16(r30)
     148:       7f c0 f2 14     add     r30,r0,r30
     14c:       81 5e 80 00     lwz     r10,-32768(r30)
     150:       80 fe 80 04     lwz     r7,-32764(r30)

Also declare longjmp() and start_secondary_resume() as global noreturn
functions, and declare __copy_tofrom_user() and __arch_clear_user()
as UACCESS safe.

Signed-off-by: Christophe Leroy <>
 arch/powerpc/Kconfig                          |   2 +
 arch/powerpc/include/asm/book3s/32/kup.h      |   2 +
 arch/powerpc/include/asm/nohash/32/kup-8xx.h  |   4 +-
 arch/powerpc/include/asm/nohash/kup-booke.h   |   4 +-
 arch/powerpc/kexec/core_32.c                  |   4 +-
 arch/powerpc/mm/nohash/kup.c                  |   2 +
 tools/objtool/arch/powerpc/decode.c           | 150 +++++++++++++++++-
 .../arch/powerpc/include/arch/noreturns.h     |  11 ++
 .../arch/powerpc/include/arch/special.h       |   9 ++
 tools/objtool/arch/powerpc/special.c          |  37 ++++-
 tools/objtool/check.c                         |   6 +-
 11 files changed, 216 insertions(+), 15 deletions(-)
 create mode 100644 tools/objtool/arch/powerpc/include/arch/noreturns.h

diff --git a/arch/powerpc/Kconfig b/arch/powerpc/Kconfig
index a0ce777f9706..525ab52b79fb 100644
--- a/arch/powerpc/Kconfig
+++ b/arch/powerpc/Kconfig
@@ -162,6 +162,7 @@ config PPC
+       select ARCH_OBJTOOL_SKIP_ASM
        select ARCH_SPLIT_ARG64                 if PPC32
@@ -267,6 +268,7 @@ config PPC
        select HAVE_OPTPROBES
        select HAVE_OBJTOOL                     if 
        select HAVE_OBJTOOL_MCOUNT              if HAVE_OBJTOOL
+       select HAVE_UACCESS_VALIDATION          if HAVE_OBJTOOL && PPC_KUAP && 
        select HAVE_PERF_EVENTS
        select HAVE_PERF_EVENTS_NMI             if PPC64
        select HAVE_PERF_REGS
diff --git a/arch/powerpc/include/asm/book3s/32/kup.h 
index 4e14a5427a63..9e158b1dd3a6 100644
--- a/arch/powerpc/include/asm/book3s/32/kup.h
+++ b/arch/powerpc/include/asm/book3s/32/kup.h
@@ -34,6 +34,7 @@ static __always_inline void uaccess_begin_32s(unsigned long 
        asm volatile(ASM_MMU_FTR_IFSET(
                "mfsrin %0, %1;"
                "rlwinm %0, %0, 0, %2;"
                "mtsrin %0, %1;"
                "isync", "", %3)
                : "=&r"(tmp)
@@ -48,6 +49,7 @@ static __always_inline void uaccess_end_32s(unsigned long 
        asm volatile(ASM_MMU_FTR_IFSET(
                "mfsrin %0, %1;"
                "oris %0, %0, %2;"
+               ANNOTATE_UACCESS_END
                "mtsrin %0, %1;"
                "isync", "", %3)
                : "=&r"(tmp)
diff --git a/arch/powerpc/include/asm/nohash/32/kup-8xx.h 
index 46bc5925e5fd..8f3a859fe0a1 100644
--- a/arch/powerpc/include/asm/nohash/32/kup-8xx.h
+++ b/arch/powerpc/include/asm/nohash/32/kup-8xx.h
@@ -39,13 +39,13 @@ static __always_inline unsigned long 
 static __always_inline void uaccess_begin_8xx(unsigned long val)
-       asm(ASM_MMU_FTR_IFSET("mtspr %0, %1", "", %2) : :
+       asm(ANNOTATE_UACCESS_BEGIN ASM_MMU_FTR_IFSET("mtspr %0, %1", "", %2) : :
            "i"(SPRN_MD_AP), "r"(val), "i"(MMU_FTR_KUAP) : "memory");
 static __always_inline void uaccess_end_8xx(void)
-       asm(ASM_MMU_FTR_IFSET("mtspr %0, %1", "", %2) : :
+       asm(ANNOTATE_UACCESS_END ASM_MMU_FTR_IFSET("mtspr %0, %1", "", %2) : :
            "i"(SPRN_MD_AP), "r"(MD_APG_KUAP), "i"(MMU_FTR_KUAP) : "memory");
diff --git a/arch/powerpc/include/asm/nohash/kup-booke.h 
index 0c7c3258134c..b12d87e457fa 100644
--- a/arch/powerpc/include/asm/nohash/kup-booke.h
+++ b/arch/powerpc/include/asm/nohash/kup-booke.h
@@ -63,13 +63,13 @@ static __always_inline unsigned long 
 static __always_inline void uaccess_begin_booke(unsigned long val)
-       asm(ASM_MMU_FTR_IFSET("mtspr %0, %1; isync", "", %2) : :
+       asm(ANNOTATE_UACCESS_BEGIN ASM_MMU_FTR_IFSET("mtspr %0, %1; isync", "", 
%2) : :
            "i"(SPRN_PID), "r"(val), "i"(MMU_FTR_KUAP) : "memory");
 static __always_inline void uaccess_end_booke(void)
-       asm(ASM_MMU_FTR_IFSET("mtspr %0, %1; isync", "", %2) : :
+       asm(ANNOTATE_UACCESS_END ASM_MMU_FTR_IFSET("mtspr %0, %1; isync", "", 
%2) : :
            "i"(SPRN_PID), "r"(0), "i"(MMU_FTR_KUAP) : "memory");
diff --git a/arch/powerpc/kexec/core_32.c b/arch/powerpc/kexec/core_32.c
index c95f96850c9e..6e955f32e7c3 100644
--- a/arch/powerpc/kexec/core_32.c
+++ b/arch/powerpc/kexec/core_32.c
@@ -17,7 +17,7 @@
 typedef void (*relocate_new_kernel_t)(
                                unsigned long indirection_page,
                                unsigned long reboot_code_buffer,
-                               unsigned long start_address) __noreturn;
+                               unsigned long start_address);
  * This is a generic machine_kexec function suitable at least for
@@ -61,6 +61,8 @@ void default_machine_kexec(struct kimage *image)
        /* now call it */
        rnk = (relocate_new_kernel_t) reboot_code_buffer;
        (*rnk)(page_list, reboot_code_buffer_phys, image->start);
+       unreachable();  /* For objtool */
 int machine_kexec_prepare(struct kimage *image)
diff --git a/arch/powerpc/mm/nohash/kup.c b/arch/powerpc/mm/nohash/kup.c
index c20c4f357fbf..ea1ae6cb3c3b 100644
--- a/arch/powerpc/mm/nohash/kup.c
+++ b/arch/powerpc/mm/nohash/kup.c
@@ -22,6 +22,8 @@ void setup_kuap(bool disabled)
        pr_info("Activating Kernel Userspace Access Protection\n");
+       /* Performed a paired allow/prevent to silence objtool warning */
+       allow_user_access(NULL, NULL, 0, KUAP_READ_WRITE);
diff --git a/tools/objtool/arch/powerpc/decode.c 
index 53b55690f320..6c7244199678 100644
--- a/tools/objtool/arch/powerpc/decode.c
+++ b/tools/objtool/arch/powerpc/decode.c
@@ -8,6 +8,7 @@
 #include <objtool/warn.h>
 #include <objtool/builtin.h>
 #include <objtool/endianness.h>
+#include <arch/special.h>
 int arch_ftrace_match(char *name)
@@ -39,28 +40,158 @@ const char *arch_ret_insn(int len)
+ * Try to find the register used as base for a table jump.
+ * If not found return r1 which is the stack so can't be valid
+ *
+ * For relative jump tables we expect the following sequence
+ *   lwzx rx, reg1, reg2 or lwz rx, 0(reg)
+ *   add ry, rx, rbase or add ry, rbase, rx
+ *   mtctr ry
+ *   bctr
+ *
+ * For absolute jump tables we expect the following sequence
+ *   lwzx rx, rbase, rindex
+ *   mtctr rx
+ *   bctr
+ *
+ * Those sequences might be nested with other code, but we expect
+ * it within the last 16 instructions.
+ */
+static unsigned int arch_decode_jumptable_base(struct objtool_file *file,
+                                              const struct section *sec,
+                                              struct instruction *jump_insn)
+       int i;
+       unsigned int td = ~0, ta = ~0, tb = ~0;
+       struct instruction *insn;
+       for (insn = jump_insn, i = 0;
+            insn && i < 16;
+            insn = prev_insn_same_sec(file, insn), i++) {
+               u32 ins = read_instruction(file, sec, insn->offset);
+               unsigned int ra = (ins >> 16) & 0x1f;
+               unsigned int rb = (ins >> 11) & 0x1f;
+               unsigned int rd = (ins >> 21) & 0x1f;
+               if (td == ~0 && ta == ~0) {
+                       if ((ins & 0xfc1ffffe) == 0x7c0903a6)   /* mtctr rd */
+                               td = rd;
+                       continue;
+               }
+                       /* lwzx td, ra, rb */
+               if (td != ~0 && (ins & 0xfc0007fe) == 0x7c00002e && rd == td)
+                       return ra;
+                       /* lwzx ta, ra, rb  or  lwzx tb, ra, rb */
+               if (ta != ~0 && (ins & 0xfc0007fe) == 0x7c00002e && (rd == ta 
|| rd == tb))
+                       return rd == ta ? tb : ta;
+                       /* lwz ta, 0(ra)  or  lwz tb, 0(ra) */
+               if (ta != ~0 && (ins & 0xfc00ffff) == 0x80000000 && (rd == ta 
|| rd == tb))
+                       return rd == ta ? tb : ta;
+                       /* add td, ta, tb */
+               if (ta == ~0 && (ins & 0xfc0007ff) == 0x7c000214 && rd == td) {
+                       ta = ra;
+                       tb = rb;
+                       td = ~0;
+               }
+       }
+       return 1;
 int arch_decode_instruction(struct objtool_file *file, const struct section 
                            unsigned long offset, unsigned int maxlen,
                            struct instruction *insn)
-       unsigned int opcode;
+       unsigned int opcode, xop;
+       unsigned int rs, ra, rb, bo, bi, to, uimm, simm, lk, aa;
        enum insn_type typ;
        unsigned long imm;
-       u32 ins;
+       u32 ins = read_instruction(file, sec, offset);
+       if (!ins && file->elf->ehdr.e_flags & EF_PPC_RELOCATABLE_LIB) {
+               struct reloc *reloc;
+               reloc = find_reloc_by_dest_range(file->elf, insn->sec, 
insn->offset, 4);
+               if (reloc && reloc_type(reloc) == R_PPC_REL32 &&
+                   !strncmp(reloc->sym->sec->name, ".got2", 5)) {
+                       insn->type = INSN_OTHER;
+                       insn->ignore = true;
+                       insn->len = 4;
+                       return 0;
+               }
+       }
-       ins = bswap_if_needed(file->elf, *(u32 *)(sec->data->d_buf + offset));
        opcode = ins >> 26;
-       typ = INSN_OTHER;
-       imm = 0;
+       xop = (ins >> 1) & 0x3ff;
+       rs = bo = to = (ins >> 21) & 0x1f;
+       ra = bi = (ins >> 16) & 0x1f;
+       rb = (ins >> 11) & 0x1f;
+       uimm = simm = (ins >> 0) & 0xffff;
+       aa = ins & 2;
+       lk = ins & 1;
        switch (opcode) {
+       case 3:
+               if (to == 31 && ra == 0 && simm == 0) /* twi 31, r0, 0 */
+                       typ = INSN_BUG;
+               else
+                       typ = INSN_OTHER;
+               break;
+       case 16: /* bc[l][a] */
+               if (lk) /* bcl[a] */
+                       typ = INSN_OTHER;
+               else            /* bc[a] */
+                       typ = INSN_JUMP_CONDITIONAL;
+               imm = ins & 0xfffc;
+               if (imm & 0x8000)
+                       imm -= 0x10000;
+               insn->immediate = imm | aa;
+               break;
        case 18: /* b[l][a] */
-               if ((ins & 3) == 1) /* bl */
+               if (lk) /* bl[a] */
                        typ = INSN_CALL;
+               else            /* b[a] */
+                       typ = INSN_JUMP_UNCONDITIONAL;
                imm = ins & 0x3fffffc;
                if (imm & 0x2000000)
                        imm -= 0x4000000;
+               insn->immediate = imm | aa;
+               break;
+       case 19:
+               if (xop == 16 && bo == 20 && bi == 0)   /* blr */
+                       typ = INSN_RETURN;
+               else if (xop == 16)     /* bclr */
+                       typ = INSN_RETURN_CONDITIONAL;
+               else if (xop == 50)     /* rfi */
+                       typ = INSN_JUMP_DYNAMIC;
+               else if (xop == 528 && bo == 20 && bi == 0 && !lk)      /* bctr 
+                       typ = INSN_JUMP_DYNAMIC;
+               else if (xop == 528 && bo == 20 && bi == 0 && lk)       /* 
bctrl */
+                       typ = INSN_CALL_DYNAMIC;
+               else
+                       typ = INSN_OTHER;
+               break;
+       case 24:
+               if (rs == 0 && ra == 0 && uimm == 0)
+                       typ = INSN_NOP;
+               else
+                       typ = INSN_OTHER;
+               break;
+       case 31:
+               if (xop == 4 && to == 31 && ra == 0 && rb == 0) /* trap */
+                       typ = INSN_BUG;
+               else
+                       typ = INSN_OTHER;
+               break;
+       default:
+               typ = INSN_OTHER;
@@ -70,13 +201,18 @@ int arch_decode_instruction(struct objtool_file *file, 
const struct section *sec
                insn->len = 4;
        insn->type = typ;
-       insn->immediate = imm;
+       if (typ == INSN_JUMP_DYNAMIC)
+               insn->gpr = arch_decode_jumptable_base(file, sec, insn);
        return 0;
 unsigned long arch_jump_destination(struct instruction *insn)
+       if (insn->immediate & 2)
+               return insn->immediate & ~2;
        return insn->offset + insn->immediate;
diff --git a/tools/objtool/arch/powerpc/include/arch/noreturns.h 
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..664f17d39026
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tools/objtool/arch/powerpc/include/arch/noreturns.h
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+/* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0 */
+ * This is a (sorted!) list of all known __noreturn functions in arch/powerpc.
+ * It's needed for objtool to properly reverse-engineer the control flow graph.
+ *
+ * Yes, this is unfortunate.  A better solution is in the works.
+ */
diff --git a/tools/objtool/arch/powerpc/include/arch/special.h 
index b17802dcf436..6c3f29ef4895 100644
--- a/tools/objtool/arch/powerpc/include/arch/special.h
+++ b/tools/objtool/arch/powerpc/include/arch/special.h
@@ -2,6 +2,9 @@
+#include <objtool/endianness.h>
+#include <objtool/objtool.h>
 #define EX_ENTRY_SIZE 8
 #define EX_ORIG_OFFSET 0
 #define EX_NEW_OFFSET 4
@@ -18,4 +21,10 @@
 #define ALT_NEW_LEN_OFFSET 11
+static inline u32 read_instruction(struct objtool_file *file, const struct 
section *sec,
+                           unsigned long offset)
+       return bswap_if_needed(file->elf, *(u32 *)(sec->data->d_buf + offset));
 #endif /* _PPC_ARCH_SPECIAL_H */
diff --git a/tools/objtool/arch/powerpc/special.c 
index 0b3a766c4842..0001ee53ff59 100644
--- a/tools/objtool/arch/powerpc/special.c
+++ b/tools/objtool/arch/powerpc/special.c
@@ -3,7 +3,8 @@
 #include <stdlib.h>
 #include <objtool/special.h>
 #include <objtool/builtin.h>
+#include <objtool/endianness.h>
+#include <arch/special.h>
 bool arch_support_alt_relocation(struct special_alt *special_alt,
                                 struct instruction *insn,
@@ -17,5 +18,37 @@ struct reloc *arch_find_switch_table(struct objtool_file 
                                     unsigned long *table_size,
                                     struct instruction *orig_insn)
-       exit(-1);
+       struct reloc *text_reloc;
+       struct section *table_sec;
+       unsigned long table_offset;
+       u32 ins;
+       /* look for a relocation which references .rodata */
+       text_reloc = find_reloc_by_dest_range(file->elf, insn->sec,
+                                             insn->offset, insn->len);
+       if (!text_reloc || reloc_type(text_reloc) != R_PPC_ADDR16_LO ||
+           text_reloc->sym->type != STT_SECTION || 
+               return NULL;
+       ins = read_instruction(file, insn->sec, insn->offset);
+       if (orig_insn && ((ins >> 21) & 0x1f) != orig_insn->gpr)
+               return NULL;
+       table_offset = reloc_addend(text_reloc);
+       table_sec = text_reloc->sym->sec;
+       /*
+        * Make sure the .rodata address isn't associated with a
+        * symbol.  GCC jump tables are anonymous data.
+        *
+        * Also support C jump tables which are in the same format as
+        * switch jump tables.  For objtool to recognize them, they
+        * need to be placed in the C_JUMP_TABLE_SECTION section.  They
+        * have symbols associated with them.
+        */
+       if (find_symbol_containing(table_sec, table_offset) &&
+           strcmp(table_sec->name, C_JUMP_TABLE_SECTION))
+               return NULL;
+       return find_reloc_by_dest(file->elf, table_sec, table_offset);
diff --git a/tools/objtool/check.c b/tools/objtool/check.c
index 54625f09d831..736923b9d01f 100644
--- a/tools/objtool/check.c
+++ b/tools/objtool/check.c
@@ -1189,13 +1189,17 @@ static const char *uaccess_safe_builtin[] = {
        /* misc */
+       "ftrace_likely_update", /* CONFIG_TRACE_BRANCH_PROFILING */
+       /* misc x86 */
-       "ftrace_likely_update", /* CONFIG_TRACE_BRANCH_PROFILING */
+       /* misc powerpc */
+       "__copy_tofrom_user",
+       "__arch_clear_user",

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