On Wed, May 7, 2008 at 6:49 AM, Fabio Tosetto <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>  I've tried to port my exesting configurations to the powerpc tree but some
> configurations files are missing.

First, create a new .dts file for your board in arch/powerpc/boot/dts.
(just copy the lite5200.dts file).  Modify the .dts to have your
board's name (in the form "<vendor>,<boardname>") in the compatible
and model properties.

Next, add your boards name to the list of boards in

>  I need to set PSC3 - PSC4 in uart mode:
>  before in file *arch/ppc/platforms/lite5200.c* I added
>  struct mpc52xx_psc_func mpc52xx_psc_functions[] = {
>          {       .id     = 3,
>                  .func   = "uart",
>          },
>          {       .id     = 4,
>                  .func   = "uart",
>          },
>          {       .id     = -1,   /* End entry */
>                  .func   = NULL,
>          }
>  };

Edit your boards .dts file and uncomment PSCs 3 and 4.  Comment out
PSC1 if you aren't using it.

>  I need to set PSC4 as a low level debug: *
>  *before in file  *arch/ppc/platforms/lite5200.h *I added
>  #define MPC52xx_PF_CONSOLE_PORT 4    /* PSC4 */

I don't think we have any early debug enabled yet in arch/powerpc for
the mpc5200.

>  Finally I need to set  the virtual memory translation on a range of 128 MB:
>  before in file *arch/ppc/kernel/head.S *I added
>  /*ori    r11,r11,BL_128M<<2|0x2    set up BAT registers for 604 */
>  ori    r11,r11,BL_128M<<2|0x2    /* set up BAT registers for 604 */
>  could you please explain me how to do the same operations in powerpc tree??

New file is arch/powerpc/kernel/head_32.S.  I don't think that is the
cleanest way to do it though.  Why do you need to change the BAT
mapping from 256 to 128?


Grant Likely, B.Sc., P.Eng.
Secret Lab Technologies Ltd.
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