Somehow the indentation of this function is messed up - 7 spaces
instead of 1 tab (probably a bad copy paste from a patch file).  This
patch fixes it.

Signed-off-by: David Gibson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Index: dtc/checks.c
--- dtc.orig/checks.c   2008-02-28 16:40:04.000000000 +1100
+++ dtc/checks.c        2008-02-28 16:40:13.000000000 +1100
@@ -337,23 +337,23 @@
 static void fixup_phandle_references(struct check *c, struct node *dt,
                                     struct node *node, struct property *prop)
-      struct marker *m = prop->val.markers;
-      struct node *refnode;
-      cell_t phandle;
-      for_each_marker_of_type(m, REF_PHANDLE) {
-             assert(m->offset + sizeof(cell_t) <= prop->val.len);
-             refnode = get_node_by_ref(dt, m->ref);
-             if (! refnode) {
-                     FAIL(c, "Reference to non-existent node or label 
-                          m->ref);
-                     continue;
-             }
-             phandle = get_node_phandle(dt, refnode);
-             *((cell_t *)(prop->val.val + m->offset)) = cpu_to_be32(phandle);
-      }
+       struct marker *m = prop->val.markers;
+       struct node *refnode;
+       cell_t phandle;
+       for_each_marker_of_type(m, REF_PHANDLE) {
+               assert(m->offset + sizeof(cell_t) <= prop->val.len);
+               refnode = get_node_by_ref(dt, m->ref);
+               if (! refnode) {
+                       FAIL(c, "Reference to non-existent node or label 
+                            m->ref);
+                       continue;
+               }
+               phandle = get_node_phandle(dt, refnode);
+               *((cell_t *)(prop->val.val + m->offset)) = cpu_to_be32(phandle);
+       }
 CHECK(phandle_references, NULL, NULL, fixup_phandle_references, NULL, ERROR,
       &duplicate_node_names, &explicit_phandles);

David Gibson                    | I'll have my music baroque, and my code
david AT  | minimalist, thank you.  NOT _the_ _other_
                                | _way_ _around_!
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