On Fri, 2018-07-06 at 15:50 +0100, Tim Small wrote:
> Hello,
> I contributed a patch to OpenWRT a couple of days ago to fix the device 
> tree for a device which uses an NXP p1014 without the SEC4 module.  I 
> was wondering about getting a similar fix applied upstream...
> The device uses the P1014 (without SEC4 functionality), and includes:
> fsl/p1010si-pre.dtsi and fsl/p1010si-post.dtsi
> ... in its device tree.  The latter pulls in leads to a node for 
> soc@ffe00000/crypto@30000 - which then causes the CAAM modules to be 
> used for crypto operations, when then fail at runtime.
> AN4938 states that there are versions of both the p1010 and p1014 
> without the SEC4 module.
> The P1010 errata at:
> https://media.digikey.com/pdf/PCNs/Freescale/P1010CE_RevL.pdf
> (table 2 on page 2), says that the P1010 and P1014 don't have the SEC4 
> module, only the P1010E and P1014E models do.
> So, I think there should probably be device trees for p101xE (with SEC) 
> and p101x (without SEC).
> Any thoughts?  Not really sure how best to do that...  My openwrt patch 
> just does a:
> /delete-node/ crypto@30000;
> after the p1010si-post.dtsi include.

U-Boot should already be removing the node on non-E chips -- see
ft_cpu_setup() in arch/powerpc/cpu/mpc85xx/fdt.c


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