We still do 19 bit context. for p4 and p5 we do a 65 bit VA

Signed-off-by: Aneesh Kumar K.V <aneesh.ku...@linux.vnet.ibm.com>
 arch/powerpc/include/asm/book3s/64/mmu-hash.h | 125 ++++++++++++++++----------
 arch/powerpc/include/asm/mmu.h                |  19 ++--
 arch/powerpc/mm/mmu_context_book3s64.c        |   8 +-
 arch/powerpc/mm/slb_low.S                     |  51 +++++++++--
 4 files changed, 142 insertions(+), 61 deletions(-)

diff --git a/arch/powerpc/include/asm/book3s/64/mmu-hash.h 
index 014a9bb197cd..bcbb5ccc4293 100644
--- a/arch/powerpc/include/asm/book3s/64/mmu-hash.h
+++ b/arch/powerpc/include/asm/book3s/64/mmu-hash.h
@@ -39,6 +39,7 @@
 /* Bits in the SLB VSID word */
 #define SLB_VSID_SHIFT         12
+#define SLB_VSID_SHIFT_256M    12
 #define SLB_VSID_SHIFT_1T      24
 #define SLB_VSID_SSIZE_SHIFT   62
 #define SLB_VSID_B             ASM_CONST(0xc000000000000000)
@@ -515,9 +516,19 @@ extern void slb_set_size(u16 size);
  * because of the modulo operation in vsid scramble.
+ * Max Va bits we support as of now is 68 bits. We want 19 bit
+ * context ID.
+ * Restrictions:
+ * GPU has restrictions of not able to access beyond 128TB
+ * (47 bit effective address). We also cannot do more than 20bit PID.
+ * For p4 and p5 which can only do 65 bit VA, we restrict our CONTEXT_BITS
+ * to 16 bits (ie, we can only have 2^16 pids at the same time).
+ */
+#define VA_BITS                        68
 #define CONTEXT_BITS           19
-#define ESID_BITS              18
-#define ESID_BITS_1T           6
+#define ESID_BITS              (VA_BITS -(SID_SHIFT + CONTEXT_BITS))
+#define ESID_BITS_1T           (VA_BITS -(SID_SHIFT_1T + CONTEXT_BITS))
 #define ESID_BITS_MASK         ((1 << ESID_BITS) - 1)
 #define ESID_BITS_1T_MASK      ((1 << ESID_BITS_1T) - 1)
@@ -526,62 +537,56 @@ extern void slb_set_size(u16 size);
  * The proto-VSID space has 2^(CONTEX_BITS + ESID_BITS) - 1 segments
  * available for user + kernel mapping. The bottom 4 contexts are used for
  * kernel mapping. Each segment contains 2^28 bytes. Each
- * context maps 2^46 bytes (64TB).
+ * context maps 2^49 bytes (512TB).
  * We also need to avoid the last segment of the last context, because that
  * would give a protovsid of 0x1fffffffff. That will result in a VSID 0
  * because of the modulo operation in vsid scramble.
 #define MAX_USER_CONTEXT       ((ASM_CONST(1) << CONTEXT_BITS) - 2)
+ * For platforms that support on 65bit VA we limit the context bits
+ */
+#define MAX_USER_CONTEXT_65BIT_VA ((ASM_CONST(1) << (65 - (SID_SHIFT + 
ESID_BITS))) - 2)
  * This should be computed such that protovosid * vsid_mulitplier
  * doesn't overflow 64 bits. It should also be co-prime to vsid_modulus
+ * We also need to make sure that number of bits in divisor is less
+ * than twice the number of protovsid bits for our modulus optmization to work.
+ * The below table shows the current values used.
+ *
+ * 64TB Config:
+ * |-------+------------+----------------+------------+--------------|
+ * |       | Prime Bits | VSID_BITS_65VA | Total Bits | 2* VSID_BITS |
+ * |-------+------------+----------------+------------+--------------|
+ * | 1T    |         24 |             25 |         49 |           50 |
+ * |-------+------------+----------------+------------+--------------|
+ * | 256MB |         24 |             37 |         61 |           74 |
+ * |-------+------------+----------------+------------+--------------|
+ *
+ * 512TB Config:
+ * |-------+------------+----------------+------------+--------------|
+ * |       | Prime Bits | VSID_BITS_69VA | Total Bits | 2* VSID_BITS |
+ * |-------+------------+----------------+------------+--------------|
+ * | 1T    |         24 |             28 |         52 |           56 |
+ * |-------+------------+----------------+------------+--------------|
+ * | 256MB |         24 |             40 |         64 |           80 |
+ * |-------+------------+----------------+------------+--------------|
+ *
 #define VSID_MULTIPLIER_256M   ASM_CONST(12538073)     /* 24-bit prime */
-#define VSID_BITS_256M         (CONTEXT_BITS + ESID_BITS)
+#define VSID_BITS_256M         (VA_BITS - SID_SHIFT)
 #define VSID_MODULUS_256M      ((1UL<<VSID_BITS_256M)-1)
+#define VSID_BITS_65_256M      (65 - SID_SHIFT)
 #define VSID_MULTIPLIER_1T     ASM_CONST(12538073)     /* 24-bit prime */
-#define VSID_BITS_1T           (CONTEXT_BITS + ESID_BITS_1T)
+#define VSID_BITS_1T           (VA_BITS - SID_SHIFT_1T)
 #define VSID_MODULUS_1T                ((1UL<<VSID_BITS_1T)-1)
+#define VSID_BITS_65_1T                (65 - SID_SHIFT_1T)
 #define USER_VSID_RANGE        (1UL << (ESID_BITS + SID_SHIFT))
- * This macro generates asm code to compute the VSID scramble
- * function.  Used in slb_allocate() and do_stab_bolted.  The function
- * computed is: (protovsid*VSID_MULTIPLIER) % VSID_MODULUS
- *
- *     rt = register containing the proto-VSID and into which the
- *             VSID will be stored
- *     rx = scratch register (clobbered)
- *
- *     - rt and rx must be different registers
- *     - The answer will end up in the low VSID_BITS bits of rt.  The higher
- *       bits may contain other garbage, so you may need to mask the
- *       result.
- */
-#define ASM_VSID_SCRAMBLE(rt, rx, size)                                        
-       lis     rx,VSID_MULTIPLIER_##size@h;                            \
-       ori     rx,rx,VSID_MULTIPLIER_##size@l;                         \
-       mulld   rt,rt,rx;               /* rt = rt * MULTIPLIER */      \
-                                                                       \
-       srdi    rx,rt,VSID_BITS_##size;                                 \
-       clrldi  rt,rt,(64-VSID_BITS_##size);                            \
-       add     rt,rt,rx;               /* add high and low bits */     \
-       /* NOTE: explanation based on VSID_BITS_##size = 36             \
-        * Now, r3 == VSID (mod 2^36-1), and lies between 0 and         \
-        * 2^36-1+2^28-1.  That in particular means that if r3 >=       \
-        * 2^36-1, then r3+1 has the 2^36 bit set.  So, if r3+1 has     \
-        * the bit clear, r3 already has the answer we want, if it      \
-        * doesn't, the answer is the low 36 bits of r3+1.  So in all   \
-        * cases the answer is the low 36 bits of (r3 + ((r3+1) >> 36))*/\
-       addi    rx,rt,1;                                                \
-       srdi    rx,rx,VSID_BITS_##size; /* extract 2^VSID_BITS bit */   \
-       add     rt,rt,rx
 /* 4 bits per slice and we have one slice per 1TB */
@@ -629,7 +634,7 @@ static inline void subpage_prot_init_new_context(struct 
mm_struct *mm) { }
 #define vsid_scramble(protovsid, size) \
        ((((protovsid) * VSID_MULTIPLIER_##size) % VSID_MODULUS_##size))
-#else /* 1 */
+/* simplified form avoiding mod operation */
 #define vsid_scramble(protovsid, size) \
        ({                                                               \
                unsigned long x;                                         \
@@ -637,6 +642,21 @@ static inline void subpage_prot_init_new_context(struct 
mm_struct *mm) { }
                x = (x >> VSID_BITS_##size) + (x & VSID_MODULUS_##size); \
                (x + ((x+1) >> VSID_BITS_##size)) & VSID_MODULUS_##size; \
+#else /* 1 */
+static inline unsigned long vsid_scramble(unsigned long protovsid,
+                                 unsigned long vsid_multiplier, int vsid_bits)
+       unsigned long vsid;
+       unsigned long vsid_modulus = ((1UL << vsid_bits) - 1);
+       /*
+        * We have same multipler for both 256 and 1T segements now
+        */
+       vsid = protovsid * vsid_multiplier;
+       vsid = (vsid >> vsid_bits) + (vsid & vsid_modulus);
+       return (vsid + ((vsid + 1) >> vsid_bits)) & vsid_modulus;
 #endif /* 1 */
 /* Returns the segment size indicator for a user address */
@@ -651,17 +671,32 @@ static inline int user_segment_size(unsigned long addr)
 static inline unsigned long get_vsid(unsigned long context, unsigned long ea,
                                     int ssize)
+       unsigned long va_bits = 65;
+       unsigned long vsid_bits;
+       unsigned long protovsid;
         * Bad address. We return VSID 0 for that
        if ((ea & ~REGION_MASK) >= H_PGTABLE_RANGE)
                return 0;
-       if (ssize == MMU_SEGSIZE_256M)
-               return vsid_scramble((context << ESID_BITS)
-                                    | ((ea >> SID_SHIFT) & ESID_BITS_MASK), 
-       return vsid_scramble((context << ESID_BITS_1T)
-                            | ((ea >> SID_SHIFT_1T) & ESID_BITS_1T_MASK), 1T);
+       if (mmu_has_feature(MMU_FTR_68_BIT_VA))
+               va_bits = 68;
+       if (ssize == MMU_SEGSIZE_256M) {
+               vsid_bits = va_bits - SID_SHIFT;
+               protovsid = (context << ESID_BITS) |
+                       ((ea >> SID_SHIFT) & ESID_BITS_MASK);
+               return vsid_scramble(protovsid,
+                                    VSID_MULTIPLIER_256M, vsid_bits);
+       }
+       /* 1T segment */
+       vsid_bits = va_bits - SID_SHIFT_1T;
+       protovsid = (context << ESID_BITS_1T) |
+               ((ea >> SID_SHIFT_1T) & ESID_BITS_1T_MASK);
+       return vsid_scramble(protovsid,
+                            VSID_MULTIPLIER_1T, vsid_bits);
diff --git a/arch/powerpc/include/asm/mmu.h b/arch/powerpc/include/asm/mmu.h
index e5616bf83623..be40591ce3bd 100644
--- a/arch/powerpc/include/asm/mmu.h
+++ b/arch/powerpc/include/asm/mmu.h
@@ -29,6 +29,10 @@
+ * Support for 68 bit VA space. We added that from ISA 2.05
+ */
+#define MMU_FTR_68_BIT_VA              ASM_CONST(0x00002000)
  * Kernel read only support.
  * We added the ppp value 0b110 in ISA 2.04.
@@ -109,10 +113,10 @@
 #define MMU_FTRS_PPC970                MMU_FTRS_POWER4 | MMU_FTR_TLBIE_CROP_VA
-#define MMU_FTRS_POWER6                MMU_FTRS_POWER4 | 
-#define MMU_FTRS_POWER7                MMU_FTRS_POWER4 | 
-#define MMU_FTRS_POWER8                MMU_FTRS_POWER4 | 
-#define MMU_FTRS_POWER9                MMU_FTRS_POWER4 | 
+#define MMU_FTRS_POWER6                MMU_FTRS_POWER5 | MMU_FTR_KERNEL_RO | 
+#define MMU_FTRS_POWER7                MMU_FTRS_POWER6
+#define MMU_FTRS_POWER8                MMU_FTRS_POWER6
+#define MMU_FTRS_POWER9                MMU_FTRS_POWER6
@@ -136,7 +140,7 @@ enum {
-               MMU_FTR_KERNEL_RO |
+               MMU_FTR_KERNEL_RO | MMU_FTR_68_BIT_VA |
                MMU_FTR_TYPE_RADIX |
@@ -288,7 +292,10 @@ static inline bool early_radix_enabled(void)
 #define MMU_PAGE_16G   14
 #define MMU_PAGE_64G   15
-/* N.B. we need to change the type of hpte_page_sizes if this gets to be > 16 
+ * N.B. we need to change the type of hpte_page_sizes if this gets to be > 16
+ * Also we need to change he type of mm_context.low/high_slices_psize.
+ */
 #define MMU_PAGE_COUNT 16
 #ifdef CONFIG_PPC_BOOK3S_64
diff --git a/arch/powerpc/mm/mmu_context_book3s64.c 
index fa3237b8e00f..626cc75824ed 100644
--- a/arch/powerpc/mm/mmu_context_book3s64.c
+++ b/arch/powerpc/mm/mmu_context_book3s64.c
@@ -33,6 +33,12 @@ static DEFINE_IDA(mmu_context_ida);
 static int hash__init_new_context(struct mm_struct *mm)
        int index, err;
+       unsigned long max_user_context;
+       if (mmu_has_feature(MMU_FTR_68_BIT_VA))
+               max_user_context = MAX_USER_CONTEXT;
+       else
+               max_user_context = MAX_USER_CONTEXT_65BIT_VA;
        if (!ida_pre_get(&mmu_context_ida, GFP_KERNEL))
@@ -50,7 +56,7 @@ static int hash__init_new_context(struct mm_struct *mm)
        else if (err)
                return err;
-       if (index > MAX_USER_CONTEXT) {
+       if (index > max_user_context) {
                ida_remove(&mmu_context_ida, index);
diff --git a/arch/powerpc/mm/slb_low.S b/arch/powerpc/mm/slb_low.S
index 4ce050ea4200..10fac99cd036 100644
--- a/arch/powerpc/mm/slb_low.S
+++ b/arch/powerpc/mm/slb_low.S
@@ -23,6 +23,45 @@
 #include <asm/pgtable.h>
 #include <asm/firmware.h>
+ * This macro generates asm code to compute the VSID scramble
+ * function.  Used in slb_allocate() and do_stab_bolted.  The function
+ * computed is: (protovsid*VSID_MULTIPLIER) % VSID_MODULUS
+ *
+ *     rt = register containing the proto-VSID and into which the
+ *             VSID will be stored
+ *     rx = scratch register (clobbered)
+ *     rf = flags
+ *
+ *     - rt and rx must be different registers
+ *     - The answer will end up in the low VSID_BITS bits of rt.  The higher
+ *       bits may contain other garbage, so you may need to mask the
+ *       result.
+ */
+#define ASM_VSID_SCRAMBLE(rt, rx, rf, size)                            \
+       lis     rx,VSID_MULTIPLIER_##size@h;                            \
+       ori     rx,rx,VSID_MULTIPLIER_##size@l;                         \
+       mulld   rt,rt,rx;               /* rt = rt * MULTIPLIER */      \
+                                                                       \
+BEGIN_MMU_FTR_SECTION                                                  \
+       srdi    rx,rt,VSID_BITS_##size;                                 \
+       clrldi  rt,rt,(64-VSID_BITS_##size);                            \
+       add     rt,rt,rx;               /* add high and low bits */     \
+       addi    rx,rt,1;                                                \
+       srdi    rx,rx,VSID_BITS_##size; /* extract 2^VSID_BITS bit */   \
+       add     rt,rt,rx;                                               \
+       rldimi  rf,rt,SLB_VSID_SHIFT_##size,(64 - (SLB_VSID_SHIFT_##size + 
VSID_BITS_##size)); \
+MMU_FTR_SECTION_ELSE                                                   \
+       srdi    rx,rt,VSID_BITS_65_##size;                              \
+       clrldi  rt,rt,(64-VSID_BITS_65_##size);                         \
+       add     rt,rt,rx;                                               \
+       addi    rx,rt,1;                                                \
+       srdi    rx,rx,VSID_BITS_65_##size;                              \
+       add     rt,rt,rx;                                               \
+       rldimi  rf,rt,SLB_VSID_SHIFT_##size,(64 - (SLB_VSID_SHIFT_##size + 
VSID_BITS_65_##size)); \
 /* void slb_allocate_realmode(unsigned long ea);
  * Create an SLB entry for the given EA (user or kernel).
        rldimi  r10,r9,ESID_BITS,0
-       ASM_VSID_SCRAMBLE(r10,r9,256M)
-       /*
-        * bits above VSID_BITS_256M need to be ignored from r10
-        * also combine VSID and flags
-        */
-       rldimi  r11,r10,SLB_VSID_SHIFT,(64 - (SLB_VSID_SHIFT + VSID_BITS_256M))
+       ASM_VSID_SCRAMBLE(r10,r9,r11,256M)
        /* r3 = EA, r11 = VSID data */
         * Find a slot, round robin. Previously we tried to find a
@@ -249,12 +282,12 @@ slb_compare_rr_to_size:
        srdi    r10,r10,(SID_SHIFT_1T - SID_SHIFT)      /* get 1T ESID */
        rldimi  r10,r9,ESID_BITS_1T,0
-       ASM_VSID_SCRAMBLE(r10,r9,1T)
+       ASM_VSID_SCRAMBLE(r10,r9,r11,1T)
         * bits above VSID_BITS_1T need to be ignored from r10
         * also combine VSID and flags
-       rldimi  r11,r10,SLB_VSID_SHIFT_1T,(64 - (SLB_VSID_SHIFT_1T + 
        li      r10,MMU_SEGSIZE_1T
        rldimi  r11,r10,SLB_VSID_SSIZE_SHIFT,0  /* insert segment size */

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