From: Mahesh Salgaonkar <>

The current implementation of MCE early handling modifies CR0/1 registers
without saving its old values. Fix this by moving early check for
powersaving mode to machine_check_handle_early().

The power architecture 2.06 or later allows the possibility of getting
machine check while in nap/sleep/winkle. The last bit of HSPRG0 is set
to 1, if thread is woken up from winkle. Hence, clear the last bit of
HSPRG0 (r13) before MCE handler starts using it as paca pointer.

Also, the current code always puts the thread into nap state irrespective
of whatever idle state it woke up from. Fix that by looking at
paca->thread_idle_state and put the thread back into same state where it
came from.

Reported-by: Paul Mackerras <>
Signed-off-by: Mahesh Salgaonkar <>
Reviewed-by: Shreyas B. Prabhu <>
Change in v2:
- Call IDLE_STATE_ENTER_SEQ(PPC_NAP) instead of power7_enter_nap_mode()
  to be consistent with other part of code.
 arch/powerpc/kernel/exceptions-64s.S |   69 ++++++++++++++++++++--------------
 1 file changed, 40 insertions(+), 29 deletions(-)

diff --git a/arch/powerpc/kernel/exceptions-64s.S 
index d4c99f0..f352961 100644
--- a/arch/powerpc/kernel/exceptions-64s.S
+++ b/arch/powerpc/kernel/exceptions-64s.S
@@ -164,29 +164,14 @@ machine_check_pSeries_1:
         * vector
        SET_SCRATCH0(r13)               /* save r13 */
-       /* Running native on arch 2.06 or later, check if we are
-        * waking up from nap. We only handle no state loss and
-        * supervisor state loss. We do -not- handle hypervisor
-        * state loss at this time.
+       /*
+        * Running native on arch 2.06 or later, we may wakeup from winkle
+        * inside machine check. If yes, then last bit of HSPGR0 would be set
+        * to 1. Hence clear it unconditionally.
-       mfspr   r13,SPRN_SRR1
-       rlwinm. r13,r13,47-31,30,31
-       beq     9f
-       mfspr   r13,SPRN_SRR1
-       rlwinm. r13,r13,47-31,30,31
-       /* waking up from powersave (nap) state */
-       cmpwi   cr1,r13,2
-       /* Total loss of HV state is fatal. let's just stay stuck here */
-       bgt     cr1,.
-#endif /* CONFIG_PPC_P7_NAP */
+       GET_PACA(r13)
+       clrrdi  r13,r13,1
+       SET_PACA(r13)
        b       machine_check_powernv_early
@@ -1362,25 +1347,51 @@ machine_check_handle_early:
         * Check if thread was in power saving mode. We come here when any
         * of the following is true:
         * a. thread wasn't in power saving mode
-        * b. thread was in power saving mode with no state loss or
-        *    supervisor state loss
+        * b. thread was in power saving mode with no state loss,
+        *    supervisor state loss or hypervisor state loss.
-        * Go back to nap again if (b) is true.
+        * Go back to nap/sleep/winkle mode again if (b) is true.
        rlwinm. r11,r12,47-31,30,31     /* Was it in power saving mode? */
        beq     4f                      /* No, it wasn;t */
        /* Thread was in power saving mode. Go back to nap again. */
        cmpwi   r11,2
-       bne     3f
-       /* Supervisor state loss */
+       blt     3f
+       /* Supervisor/Hypervisor state loss */
        li      r0,1
        stb     r0,PACA_NAPSTATELOST(r13)
 3:     bl      machine_check_queue_event
        ld      r1,PACAR1(r13)
-       li      r3,PNV_THREAD_NAP
-       b       power7_enter_nap_mode
+       /*
+        * Check what idle state this CPU was in and go back to same mode
+        * again.
+        */
+       lbz     r3,PACA_THREAD_IDLE_STATE(r13)
+       cmpwi   r3,PNV_THREAD_NAP
+       bgt     10f
+       /* No return */
+       cmpwi   r3,PNV_THREAD_SLEEP
+       bgt     2f
+       /* No return */
+       /*
+        * Go back to winkle. Please note that this thread was woken up in
+        * machine check from winkle and have not restored the per-subcore
+        * state. Hence before going back to winkle, set last bit of HSPGR0
+        * to 1. This will make sure that if this thread gets woken up
+        * again at reset vector 0x100 then it will get chance to restore
+        * the subcore state.
+        */
+       ori     r13,r13,1
+       SET_PACA(r13)
+       /* No return */

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