On Tue, Nov 28, 2017 at 09:48:57AM +0530, Arjav Parikh wrote:
> Hi Team,
> Hope you all are doing good.
> Currently I am facing an bandwidth issue in dwc3 driver using ecm
> gadget with linux kernel version 4.4.
> I will quickly brief through my problem and the troubleshooting steps
> taken to debug the problem
> I have an embedded device with Qualcomm SOC and USB 3.0 support and
> running linux 4.4.60.

As we all know Qualcomm hacks their 4.4 kernel up a _lot_, you are going
to have to get support from them, as what you are running looks nothing
like any 4.4 kernel that was ever released on kernel.org.

It's more "Linux like" than anything else :(

As you are paying Qualcomm for the support here, please use it.

Also, how do you know your device is even capable of sending data that
fast?  You say "regression", but as you have never measured that speed
before coming from your device, it isn't a regression :)

Good luck!

greg k-h
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