Hi Team,

Hope you all are doing good.

Currently I am facing an bandwidth issue in dwc3 driver using ecm
gadget with linux kernel version 4.4.

I will quickly brief through my problem and the troubleshooting steps
taken to debug the problem


I have an embedded device with Qualcomm SOC and USB 3.0 support and
running linux 4.4.60. I am connecting my device with Linux Host PC
with linux 4.4.0-101-generic with ubuntu 16.04 distribution.
We have created an USB ethernet interface now using IPERF tool we are
transmitting  packets from Device to Host and from Host to Device and
following are our observations when MTU size is set as 15000 at both

Server                  Client          Bandwidth TX
QCOM Device        PC               1.17 Gbps
PC                  QCOM Device    400-500 Mbps

Now when we set the MTU as 1500 then the performance received is even
worst i.e from device to host the bandwidth obtained is 100 Mbps and
it is observed that USB interrupts generated are too high due to which
the cpu core 0 reaches 100% and cpu core 1 reaches 70%.

Can you guide us to obtain high bandwidth when transmitting packets
from device to host as well as reduce interrupt level and CPU usage.

Troubleshooting Steps Taken :

1. Performed Iperf using TCP & UDP protocol and observed the same performance.
2. Changed all the available scaling frequencies at Device side but no
3. Using Perf profiling tool tried to debug that why interrupts are
generated which causes cpu cores to 100% but did not get any

Can you please guide me to solve this problem and attain maximum
throughput of ethernet using USB 3.0 as theoretically USB 3.0 gets
5Gbps Bandwidth and here we are not able to obtain even 1Gbps
Bandwidth as well.

Please let me know in case of any more information required from my or
any more debugging steps to be performed to narrow down the scope of

Hope to hear from you soon.

Thanks & Regards,
Arjav Parikh
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