On Tue, Aug 02, 2016 at 12:09:12PM +0200, Ladislav Michl wrote:
> On Tue, Aug 02, 2016 at 11:25:22AM +0200, dave penkler wrote:
> >    For supportability I would recommend to set the commands depending on the
> >    recognised HW, not with aA  ioctl. See rigol quirk. What are the device
> >    and manufacturer ids to which these vendor extensions apply?
> >    /dave
> This is a custom device... If I understand USBTMC spec corectly, it is not
> either "normal" message or vendor specific message, but both can happily
> coexist, so I wouldn't let it depend on quirks. Once you are going to send
> vendor specific message, you need to know how such a message looks like
> anyway, so any quirk based magic is probably not going to help.
> Also it seems both NI and IVI libs are using similar (selecting MsgID)
> approach.

But your patch was "one-way", once you switched to the other mode, the
old one could not be used :(
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