On Mon, Aug 24, 2015 at 02:17:08PM -0400, Alan Stern wrote:
> On Mon, 24 Aug 2015, Felipe Balbi wrote:
> > > Maybe we should add a vendor-specific control request to gadget Zero so
> > > that the host can tell the gadget what the transfer size will be.
> > 
> > I proposed that many months ago and you were against it, remember ?
> I believe you -- it sounds like the sort of thing I might say -- but I 
> don't remember it.  :-)
> > You claimed that there should be no issues with gadget and host not
> > agreeing on transfer size, which actually makes sense, considering we
> > have no idea what the host will send us until it does (except for things
> > like BOT).
> > 
> > If we add this vendor control request, we are likely to leave some
> > issues in UDCs making assumptions as to what they should receive next.
> These are good arguments.  The only place an issue arises, as far as I
> can see, is in the pattern=2 data.  Where should the pattern reset back
> to the start?  At the beginning of each packet?  At the beginning of
> each transfer?  At the beginning of each test?
> The difficulty is that the host and gadget don't have any common 
> notions about transfers or tests.  That leaves only packets (or maybe 
> bursts/multiplets for isochronous).

Before each test, there is a set_alt, we can have a vendor request
before that, the content of this request can be transfer length, pattern
, and so on which the host and device needs to be aligned during the test.

I send this email is just want to see if usbtest/g_zero can be easier to use,
and test more things without user interfere.


Best Regards,
Peter Chen
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