On Mon, 24 Aug 2015, Peter Chen wrote:

> Thanks, that's much clear.
> At udc driver:
> __set_halt(struct usb_ep *ep, int value, bool may_fail)
> {
>       if (may_fail && ep queue is not empty) {
>               return false
>       } else {
>               do stall;
>               return true;
>       }
> }
> gadget_ops:
> .set_halt      = ep_set_halt,
> ep_set_halt(struct usb_ep *ep, int value)
> {
>       __set_halt(ep, value, true);
> }
> And call __set_halt(ep, value, false) at below conditions:
> - SET(CLEAR)_FEATURE for Set(Clear)-Halt
> - If ep0 request has failed

Yes, that should work.  In fact, when a control request fails, you 
could even call ep_set_halt instead of __set_halt, because the ep0 
queue will certainly be empty.

> Do we need to update kernel doc for usb_ep_set_halt that
> say it should only for bulk and interrupt endpoints?

I don't think we need to change it.  The USB spec says that isochronous 
endpoints never stall; section 5.6.5 says:

        An endpoint for isochronous transfers never halts because there 
        is no handshake to report a halt condition.

Also, Figure 8-39 does not include any STALL packets.

Lastly, usb_ep_set_halt should be called for ep0 when the gadget is
unable to respond to a request.

Alan Stern

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