I know. Honestly I never expect it to be fixed. I just want to draw
some attention so that people can be aware of this problem (some may
be suffering from this without understand what's going on). Though I
did  filed a bug report on bugzilla some time ago to request making
this function a no-op (sounds outrageous doesn't it). Hope that
something will be done for this one day anyway.

On 23 April 2015 at 22:40, Alan Stern <st...@rowland.harvard.edu> wrote:
> On Thu, 23 Apr 2015, Tom Yan wrote:
>> I'm not saying that the kernel shouldn't initialize the attributes or
>> have a default. But it should only set the default when the attribute
>> is initialized (It doesn't even matter to me whether it's enabled or
>> disabled).
>> It's just there should not be further manipulation from the kernel
>> (e.g. device_set_wakeup_enable) afterwards because
>> 1. it's brings inconsistency because the function is adopted per driver
>> 2. it's a user preference and responsibilty
>> 3. third it prevent udev to apply a rule properly (regression / bug)
>> P.S. Alan for my case, I don't need a patch for logitech-dj, I just
>> need to remove device_set_enable_wakeup from hid_core.c, then I can
>> enable or disable the attribute with a udev rule happily for both
>> devices.
> I understand that.  But removing device_set_enable_wakeup from
> hid_core.c would annoy a lot of people.  Linus would probably decide
> that it was a regression and would put the function call back in.
> Alan Stern
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