Static checkers complain about this API:

        warn: did you really mean to pass the address of 'data'?

Indeed, the code is cleaner when we just pass the pointer instead of the
pointer to the pointer.

Signed-off-by: Dan Carpenter <>
Looks obvious enough to me, but I've only compiled this code and haven't
tested it.

diff --git a/drivers/usb/gadget/function/uvc_configfs.c 
index d112c99..2bd0688 100644
--- a/drivers/usb/gadget/function/uvc_configfs.c
+++ b/drivers/usb/gadget/function/uvc_configfs.c
@@ -2009,28 +2009,27 @@ static int __uvcg_cnt_strm(void *priv1, void *priv2, 
void *priv3, int n,
        return 0;
-static int __uvcg_fill_strm(void *priv1, void *priv2, void *priv3, int n,
+static int __uvcg_fill_strm(void *priv1, void *dest, void *priv3, int n,
                            enum uvcg_strm_type type)
-       void **dest = priv2;
        struct uvc_descriptor_header ***array = priv3;
        size_t sz;
-       **array = *dest;
+       **array = dest;
        switch (type) {
        case UVCG_HEADER: {
-               struct uvc_input_header_descriptor *ihdr = *dest;
+               struct uvc_input_header_descriptor *ihdr = dest;
                struct uvcg_streaming_header *h = priv1;
                struct uvcg_format_ptr *f;
-               memcpy(*dest, &h->desc, sizeof(h->desc));
-               *dest += sizeof(h->desc);
+               memcpy(dest, &h->desc, sizeof(h->desc));
+               dest += sizeof(h->desc);
                sz = UVCG_STREAMING_CONTROL_SIZE;
                list_for_each_entry(f, &h->formats, entry) {
-                       memcpy(*dest, f->fmt->bmaControls, sz);
-                       *dest += sz;
+                       memcpy(dest, f->fmt->bmaControls, sz);
+                       dest += sz;
                ihdr->bLength = sizeof(h->desc) + h->num_fmt * sz;
                ihdr->bNumFormats = h->num_fmt;
@@ -2040,22 +2039,22 @@ static int __uvcg_fill_strm(void *priv1, void *priv2, 
void *priv3, int n,
                struct uvcg_format *fmt = priv1;
                if (fmt->type == UVCG_UNCOMPRESSED) {
-                       struct uvc_format_uncompressed *unc = *dest;
+                       struct uvc_format_uncompressed *unc = dest;
                        struct uvcg_uncompressed *u =
                                container_of(fmt, struct uvcg_uncompressed,
-                       memcpy(*dest, &u->desc, sizeof(u->desc));
-                       *dest += sizeof(u->desc);
+                       memcpy(dest, &u->desc, sizeof(u->desc));
+                       dest += sizeof(u->desc);
                        unc->bNumFrameDescriptors = fmt->num_frames;
                        unc->bFormatIndex = n + 1;
                } else if (fmt->type == UVCG_MJPEG) {
-                       struct uvc_format_mjpeg *mjp = *dest;
+                       struct uvc_format_mjpeg *mjp = dest;
                        struct uvcg_mjpeg *m =
                                container_of(fmt, struct uvcg_mjpeg, fmt);
-                       memcpy(*dest, &m->desc, sizeof(m->desc));
-                       *dest += sizeof(m->desc);
+                       memcpy(dest, &m->desc, sizeof(m->desc));
+                       dest += sizeof(m->desc);
                        mjp->bNumFrameDescriptors = fmt->num_frames;
                        mjp->bFormatIndex = n + 1;
                } else {
@@ -2065,15 +2064,15 @@ static int __uvcg_fill_strm(void *priv1, void *priv2, 
void *priv3, int n,
        case UVCG_FRAME: {
                struct uvcg_frame *frm = priv1;
-               struct uvc_descriptor_header *h = *dest;
+               struct uvc_descriptor_header *h = dest;
                sz = sizeof(frm->frame);
-               memcpy(*dest, &frm->frame, sz);
-               *dest += sz;
+               memcpy(dest, &frm->frame, sz);
+               dest += sz;
                sz = frm->frame.b_frame_interval_type *
-               memcpy(*dest, frm->dw_frame_interval, sz);
-               *dest += sz;
+               memcpy(dest, frm->dw_frame_interval, sz);
+               dest += sz;
                if (frm->fmt_type == UVCG_UNCOMPRESSED)
                        h->bLength = UVC_DT_FRAME_UNCOMPRESSED_SIZE(
@@ -2136,7 +2135,7 @@ static int uvcg_streaming_class_allow_link(struct 
config_item *src,
                goto unlock;
        cl_arr = *class_array;
-       ret = __uvcg_iter_strm_cls(target_hdr, &data, &cl_arr,
+       ret = __uvcg_iter_strm_cls(target_hdr, data, &cl_arr,
        if (ret) {
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