> From: Stephen Warren [mailto:swar...@wwwdotorg.org]
> Sent: Saturday, July 13, 2013 10:35 PM
> On 07/13/2013 04:34 PM, Paul Zimmerman wrote:
> >
> > I just sent out a patch series with a number of fixes for the dwc2
> > driver. With that, plus the hack patch below to add all the driver
> > parameters from the downstream Pi kernel, the driver is working
> > pretty well.
> Yes, it looks mostly pretty good.
> I've downloaded over 100MB of package updates over the built-in USB
> wired Ethernet, dd'd a fair number of GB off a USB SD card reader to
> /dev/null, and used a USB keyboard/touchpad to control X. This all
> worked mostly just fine.
> I did see the network connection randomly drop out a couple of times
> early on, and occasionally get hangs accessing lots of data on the USB
> SD card reader, and I still can't get the SD card reader to notice card
> plug/unplug. But as I said, it's all mostly fine. Thanks for fixing it up!
> > However, I am seeing an issue that I don't think is caused by the
> > driver. If I copy a large file from a thumb drive to the SD card, the
> > mmcqd process starts taking 90%+ of the CPU, and the whole system
> > slows to a crawl. After several seconds of that, it returns to
> > normal.
> I believe there's no DMA support enabled in the SDHCI host controller
> driver right now, so that might explain that.
> > I'm not sure how many of the below driver parameters are actually
> > required. I think as least the three fifo size parameters, plus
> > max_transfer_size and max_packet_count, are needed.

Hi Stephen,

With the two additional patches I sent out yesterday and today, the
driver is working really well for me on the Pi with your mainline-
based kernel. I was able to run an overnight test copying data to/from
a thumb drive (not to the root fs due to the mmcqd issue I mentioned
above) while doing some light Ethernet traffic, and didn't see any
issues, where before that would cause the USB to hang within a few

I was also able to successfully connect a WiFi dongle, where before it
would not enumerate. I was not able to use the WiFi (maybe there is
some network support missing from the kernel .config?) but it's still

To test it on the Pi, you will need to change the hacked-up platform.c
I sent you like this (not a real patch):

        .ts_dline                       = 0,
        .reload_ctl                     = 0,
-       .ahb_single                     = 0,
+       .ahbcfg                 = 0x10,
+       .uframe_sched                   = 1,
Please test and see if this fixes any of the issues you were seeing.


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