On 07/13/2013 04:34 PM, Paul Zimmerman wrote:
>> From: Stephen Warren [mailto:swar...@wwwdotorg.org]
>> Sent: Monday, July 08, 2013 8:41 PM
>> On 07/08/2013 03:40 PM, Paul Zimmerman wrote:
>>>> From: Stephen Warren [mailto:swar...@wwwdotorg.org]
>>>> Sent: Tuesday, July 02, 2013 7:41 PM
>>>> On 07/02/2013 07:47 PM, Stephen Warren wrote:
>>>>> On 06/26/2013 02:20 PM, Paul Zimmerman wrote:
>>>> ...
>>>>>> I hope whoever is supporting the Pi in the mainline kernel will try 
>>>>>> adding
>>>>>> dwc2 support now that it seems to be working. I'm not sure who that would
>>>>>> be, though.
>>>>> Well, it appears to work! I tested it on both a model A and B (rev 2)
>>>>> and devices enumerate on the bus OK now. I haven't actually tested data
>>>>> transfer yet though.
>>>> ... although unfortunately, pretty much any use of the USB devices
>>>> crashes or hangs the kernel:-( I guess due to the wildly varying
>>>> symptoms, there is some random memory corruption going on.
>>>> I did manage to dd about 1MiB off an SD card in a USB->SD card adapter
>>>> (with powered hub between the adapter and the Pi), but often just
>>>> plugging in the card or having it plugged in during boot causes hangs
>>>> and crashes. Similarly, I have a ZD1211 WiFi USB adapter, and having
>>>> that plugged during boot in causes all kinds of oops within a few or
>>>> tens of seconds after booting, in code unrelated to USB or networking.
>>>> Paul, are you able to try out upstream Linux and see what the issue
>>>> might be? The following G+ post should outline the steps required:
>>>> https://plus.google.com/101715070573995136397/posts/gWkwrfNfYVm
>>>> although these days you might want to use u-boot.git not u-boot-arm.git
>>>> (or perhaps git://github.com/swarren/u-boot.git rpi_dev), and
>>>> git://github.com/swarren/linux-rpi.git rpi_dev to get the USB enabled.
> ...
>>> I suspect the majority of the issues you saw are due to missing dt
>>> support for several of the module parameters that need to be set to
>>> non-default values for the pi, like the DMA mode and the FIFO sizes.
>> Hmm. I thought the HW config registers reflected exactly how the USB HW
>> was synthesized? It'd be odd to have registers that attempt to reflect
>> that, but actually have incorrect data! I vaguely recall an earlier
>> version of the DWC2 driver complaining, or perhaps even outright
>> refusing to initialize(?), if the parameters provided to th driver
>> didn't match up with the values in the HW registers.
> Hi Stephen,
> I just sent out a patch series with a number of fixes for the dwc2
> driver. With that, plus the hack patch below to add all the driver
> parameters from the downstream Pi kernel, the driver is working
> pretty well.

Yes, it looks mostly pretty good.

I've downloaded over 100MB of package updates over the built-in USB
wired Ethernet, dd'd a fair number of GB off a USB SD card reader to
/dev/null, and used a USB keyboard/touchpad to control X. This all
worked mostly just fine.

I did see the network connection randomly drop out a couple of times
early on, and occasionally get hangs accessing lots of data on the USB
SD card reader, and I still can't get the SD card reader to notice card
plug/unplug. But as I said, it's all mostly fine. Thanks for fixing it up!

> However, I am seeing an issue that I don't think is caused by the
> driver. If I copy a large file from a thumb drive to the SD card, the
> mmcqd process starts taking 90%+ of the CPU, and the whole system
> slows to a crawl. After several seconds of that, it returns to
> normal.

I believe there's no DMA support enabled in the SDHCI host controller
driver right now, so that might explain that.

> I'm not sure how many of the below driver parameters are actually
> required. I think as least the three fifo size parameters, plus
> max_transfer_size and max_packet_count, are needed.

I'm curious why any of them are required; why aren't the values embedded
in the HW registers correct?
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