On Mon, Jun 24, 2013 at 10:41:07AM +0200, Karsten Malcher wrote:
> Hello Greg,
> have you buyed one of this jinxed PL-2303 HX adapters?
> Yesterday i got this interesting mail from Aric, who has analyzed a
> similar problem with this chip.

Why do you think that this is related to the problems you were
experiencing back in April? Your logs contained indications of hardware

        usb_serial_generic_read_bulk_callback - nonzero read bulk status 
received: -84

which are not present in Aric's logs. His stackoverflow post

> http://stackoverflow.com/questions/16832281/strange-bit-shifting-when-pl2303-connected-to-cp210x

also describes a different problem (odd bitshifts and inversions rather
than dropped data due to detected hw errors). Specifically, no data is
lost in Aric's case, rather it appears to be received garbled.

> I think something went wrong in the usb serial handling, but not in
> the driver itself.
> But the error is really complicate to figure out in the depth of the
> software.
> The really annoying thing is that it worked with kernel 2.6.32.

Just to be clear, that's your setup. AFAICT Aric never got his setup to
work with any kernel (but for a brief period with the same 3.0 kernel).

As we discussed in April, there has been a lot of changes (including
performance improvements) made to the pl2303 driver since 2.6.32 which
could possibly explain why you did not trigger your (suspected) hw error
on really old kernels.

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