On Mon, Jun 24, 2013 at 10:41:07AM +0200, Karsten Malcher wrote:
> Hello Greg,
> have you buyed one of this jinxed PL-2303 HX adapters?

No, I have not been able to find one.  Does anyone know where I can
purchase one?

> Yesterday i got this interesting mail from Aric, who has analyzed a
> similar problem with this chip.  I think something went wrong in the
> usb serial handling, but not in the driver itself.  But the error is
> really complicate to figure out in the depth of the software.
> The really annoying thing is that it worked with kernel 2.6.32.

That's a really long time ago, loads of things have changed since then.
If someone can run 'git bisect' to track down the problem, that would be


greg k-h
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