On Thu, Apr 19, 2018 at 07:05:49PM +0300, Mathias Nyman wrote:
> Hi
> A new version based on earlier suggestions and feedback.
> The USB 3.2 specification adds support for Dual-lane, doubling the
> maximum rate to 20Gbps by taking into use another set of rx and tx
> wires and pins in the Type-C cable and connector.
> The changes to support this in USB core and xhci driver seems to be minor.
> USB 3.1 support already added the extended port status request returning
> lane count. it just wasn't used before.
> These patches add rx_lanes and tx_lanes variables to store the number of lanes
> in use, and exposes them via sysfs.
> It adds a Gen XxY notion to the string displayed when a new device is 
> connected.
> X in Gen XxY stands for signaling rate,
> Y for lane count, as described in the USB 3.2 specification.
> Example for clarification:
> Gen 1 = 5Gbps, SuperSpeed, one lane, same as USB3.0, and USB 3.1 Gen1
> Gen 2 = 10Gbps, SuperSpeedPlus, one lane, same as USB 3.1 Gen2
> Gen 1x2 = 10Gbps, SuperSpeed, Dual-lane (2 x 5Gbps)
> Gen 2x2 = 20Gbps, SuperSpeedPlus, Dual-lane (2 x 10Gbps)

Nice, all now queued up, thanks!

greg k-h
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