On Tue, Mar 20, 2018 at 03:58:47AM -0700, Daniel Gimpelevich wrote:
> Reporting two more VID/PID pairs that work with this driver, having used
> an informational webpage <http://reboots.g-cipher.net/lcd/> as a buying
> guide now. The page listed additional working VID/PID pairs but did not
> include these two. None were upstreamed. Also taking this opportunity to
> sort the pairs numerically.
> Of the two such cables now in my possession, one is white, bearing the
> In-System Design ISD-103 label on one side, sold as an Epson CAEUL0002
> "USB to Parallel Smart Cable For Apple Macintosh Computers" (04b8:0002),
> and the other is black, bearing the In-System Design ISD-101 label on one
> side, sold as an early Belkin F5U002 (05ab:0002).
> Signed-off-by: Daniel Gimpelevich <dan...@gimpelevich.san-francisco.ca.us>
> ---
>  drivers/usb/misc/uss720.c | 7 ++++++-
>  1 file changed, 6 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)

For the next time, you should put the versioning of the patch below the
--- line, saying what changed in each version, so we remember what is
going on here.


greg k-h
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