On Tue, 6 Sep 2005, Christoph Hellwig wrote:

> On Thu, Aug 11, 2005 at 08:17:28AM +0200, Jan Engelhardt wrote:
>>> Nothing in the tarball mentiones any opensource license.  If vmware is
> please read this sentence again.  Just because somethings source is available
> doesn't mean it's opensource.

Sure it is! It just isn't the GNU flavor of open source. It's likely
that it's even "compatible" as long as it's not more restrictive
than GNU.

Often the "GNU protestants" are rejecting perfectly good work because
they have adopted a highly restrictive religion, having been taught
that it is the true meaning of freedom. Marx would be so proud!

Wonderful thing about published private works, i.e., proprietary
source-code, is that you can use it as a reference and write your
own version(s). Since it's published, you don't need "clean-room"
techniques. You just can't grab portions "whole cloth" and paste
them into your source.

When your driver, probably with improvements, is finished it
is normal, but not necessary to provide some attribution in the
source such as "Adapted from xxx.yyy.zzz" as a public "thank you".

>>> actually using an opensource license please tell them to mention that
>>> license and remove the propritary code markers.
>> It's not opensource, but "proprietary and S_IRUGO". Though, the world won't
>> fall down instantly if you change something [e.g. bugfix] and redistribute
>> (with all the copyright stuff intact, and for non-profit)

Dick Johnson
Penguin : Linux version 2.6.13 on an i686 machine (5589.54 BogoMips).
Warning : 98.36% of all statistics are fiction.
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