"linux-os \(Dick Johnson\)" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> disait dernièrement que :

are you serious or just on drugs ?

> On Tue, 6 Sep 2005, Christoph Hellwig wrote:
>> On Thu, Aug 11, 2005 at 08:17:28AM +0200, Jan Engelhardt wrote:
>>>> Nothing in the tarball mentiones any opensource license.  If vmware is
>> please read this sentence again.  Just because somethings source is available
>> doesn't mean it's opensource.
> Sure it is! It just isn't the GNU flavor of open source. It's likely
> that it's even "compatible" as long as it's not more restrictive
> than GNU.
> Often the "GNU protestants" are rejecting perfectly good work because
> they have adopted a highly restrictive religion, having been taught
> that it is the true meaning of freedom. Marx would be so proud!
> Wonderful thing about published private works, i.e., proprietary
> source-code, is that you can use it as a reference and write your
> own version(s). Since it's published, you don't need "clean-room"
> techniques. You just can't grab portions "whole cloth" and paste
> them into your source.
> When your driver, probably with improvements, is finished it
> is normal, but not necessary to provide some attribution in the
> source such as "Adapted from xxx.yyy.zzz" as a public "thank you".
>>>> actually using an opensource license please tell them to mention that
>>>> license and remove the propritary code markers.
>>> It's not opensource, but "proprietary and S_IRUGO". Though, the world won't
>>> fall down instantly if you change something [e.g. bugfix] and redistribute
>>> (with all the copyright stuff intact, and for non-profit)
> Cheers,
> Dick Johnson
> Penguin : Linux version 2.6.13 on an i686 machine (5589.54 BogoMips).
> Warning : 98.36% of all statistics are fiction.
> .
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