On Tue, 11 Aug 2015, Viresh Kumar wrote:
> On 11-08-15, 14:27, Lee Jones wrote:
> > Okay, so what you're saying is that you've already made the decision
> > to create a separate node for every OPP permutation,
> Absolutely not.
> > despite the fact
> > that I've told you this could lead to more nodes than anyone would
> > care to successfully write or maintain?
> I have enough fear of yours and then I have to see you in another
> month as well. I wouldn't dare to disobey your command SIR :)

Funny guy! ;)

> > Perhaps an example might help explain the issue.
> > 
> > Using the current driver, we need to place the following in DT and the
> > driver does the rest:
> > 
> > opp-list {
> >     opp1 {
> >             opp-hz = <1500000000>;
> >             st,avs = <1200 1200 1200 1200 1170 1140 1100 1070>;
> >             st,substrate = <0xff>;
> >             st,cuts = <0xff>;
> >     };
> >     opp0 {
> >             opp-hz = <1200000000>;
> >             st,avs = <1110 1150 1100 1080 1040 1020 980 930>;
> >             st,substrate = <0xff>;
> >             st,cuts = <0x2>;
> >     };
> > };
> Nothing is fixed as of now but this is what I am thinking of:
>       cpu0_opp_table: opp_table0 {
>               compatible = "operating-points-v2";
>                 opp-cuts = "10", "3c", "f0";
>               supply-names = "vcc0", "vcc1", "vcc2";
>               opp-shared;
>               opp00 {
>                       opp-hz = /bits/ 64 <1000000000>;
>                       clock-latency-ns = <300000>;
>                       opp-microvolt-10 = <970000>;
>                       opp-microvolt-3c = <950000>;
>                       opp-microvolt-f0 = <930000>;
>               };
>               /* OR */
>               opp00 {
>                       opp-hz = /bits/ 64 <1000000000>;
>                       clock-latency-ns = <300000>;
>                         opp-microvolt = <970000>, <950000>, <930000>;
>               };
>         };
> And then the platform code needs to tell OPP layer:
> "Use OPPs for cut f0 for device X", and OPP layer will store that
> somewhere.
> And then it will only initialize OPPs after matching this string with
> the values.
> Out of the earlier two options, I may prefer the first one. As we will
> be soon adding support for multiple regulators, and a single regulator
> can have min/max/target values.. So, a single list will become too
> long.

This would work if we only had a single variable to contend with, but
what I showed you in my previous example is that we have 3 variables
to consider; cut (version), pcode and substrate.

Using the two (simple) examples I provided, how would your suggestion
look in our case?

> But, something like this should be generic enough to capture most of
> the cases.
> @Stephen/Rob ??

Lee Jones
Linaro STMicroelectronics Landing Team Lead
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