hi I saw the patch “sched: Make sched entity usage tracking scale-invariant” that will make the usage to be freq scaled. So if delta period that the calculation of usage based on cross a frequency change, so how can you make sure the usage calculation is correct? The delta period may last hundreds of microseconds, and frequency change window may be 10-20 microseconds, so many frequency change can happen during the delta period. It seems the patch does not consider about it, and it just pick up the current one. So how can you resolve this issue?
Thanks.N嫥叉靣笡y氊b瞂千v豝�)藓{.n�+壏{睉赙zXФ洝塄}财爖�&j:+v墾�珣赙zZ+€�+zf"穐殘啳嗃iz�畐ア�?櫒璀�&�)撷f旟^j谦y呩@A玜囤 0鹅h�鍜i