
在 2015年04月08日 17:50, Mark Brown 写道:
On Wed, Apr 08, 2015 at 04:52:08PM +0800, Caesar Wang wrote:

+static void max98090_i2c_shutdown(struct i2c_client *i2c)
+       struct max98090_priv *max98090 = dev_get_drvdata(&i2c->dev);
+       dev_info(&i2c->dev, "shut down device\n");
Remove this, it's adding noise.

+       /* Enable volume smoothing, disable zero cross.  This will cause
+        * a quick 40ms ramp to mute on shutdown.
+        */
+       regmap_write(max98090->regmap,
+               M98090_REG_LEVEL_CONTROL, M98090_VSENN_MASK);
+       regmap_write(max98090->regmap,
+               M98090_REG_DEVICE_SHUTDOWN, 0x00);
+       msleep(40);
This is OK but equivalent code should be being added to the driver
remove path as the same thing should be happening there.
Yeah.I will fix it in v2 patch.


王晓腾    Caesar Wang
系统产品三部   Product R&D Dept.III
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