Hi David,

On Tue, Jan 20, 2015 at 06:00:28PM +0100, David Herrmann wrote:
[big snip]
> These are just examples off the top of my head, but I think they're
> already pretty convincing.

Thank you for writing this up.  This is the information I was
looking for which puts kdbus into context and explains
the motivation for its development.  Naturally I don't agree
with all of it, but I'm content with what I learned so far.

Daniel informed me off-list that he (and probably others) does
not understand what my questions were aiming at.  I'm sorry
about that, I thought it was clear I was just lacking
the background information to understand what kdbus is and
what it is not, and why it exists -- information I couldn't find
in some hours of googling.

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