Rik van Riel wrote:
On Mon, 18 Apr 2005, Chris Wedgwood wrote:

On Mon, Apr 18, 2005 at 02:16:09AM -0700, Paul Jackson wrote:

The call switching folks have been doing live patching at least
since I worked on it, over 25 years ago.  This is not just

That still doesn't explain *why* live patching is needed.

I suspect it was needed in the past, on embedded computers so
small they could only run one program at a time.

I see no reason why changing programs on the fly couldn't be
done nicer with SHM segments today - just start up the new
program in parallel with the old one, have it attach to the
SHM region and handshake with the old program to take over

At that point the old program can let go of file descriptors
(eg. those to devices), yield the CPU and the new program can
open those file descriptors.  The SHM area contains all of the
state information needed, so the program can continue running
like it always would.

This may well be lower latency than live patching, and probably
lower complexity/risk too...

I think most important thing for carrier system is service availability.
The live patch only stops process(which have 3 threads) 180 nanoseconds with 2functions, 2 variable changes on my linux desktop(Xeon 2.8G dual). (on sample 1)

I believe process status copy consume more time, may be below sequences are needed;
- Stop the service on ACT-process.
- Copy on memory/on transaction status to shared memory.
- Takeover shared memory key to SBY process and release the shared memory
- SBY process access to shared memory.
- SBY process checks the memory and reset broken sessions.
- SBY process restart the service.

Some part may be parallelize, but seems the more data make service disruption time longer...(It seems exceeds 100 milliseconds depends on data size..)
and process will be more complicated....makes more bugs...

-- Takashi Ikebe NTT Network Service Systems Laboratories 9-11, Midori-Cho 3-Chome Musashino-Shi, Tokyo 180-8585 Japan Tel : +81 422 59 4246, Fax : +81 422 60 4012 e-mail : [EMAIL PROTECTED] - To unsubscribe from this list: send the line "unsubscribe linux-kernel" in the body of a message to [EMAIL PROTECTED] More majordomo info at http://vger.kernel.org/majordomo-info.html Please read the FAQ at http://www.tux.org/lkml/

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